I found out that this is because an important command line option `--finetune` is missing from the provided script. By specifying `--finetune` we apply a `0.1x` learning rate to the...
I think this is because PyTorch updates this implementation of ResNet in higher versions such as 2.1.0. Try using PyTorch 1.8 or 1.9 may help.
The original data processing code is a bit mass. After some restructure, we will upload these scripts.
Sorry for that. Recently, there are some problems with our cloud disk. To make matters worse, the GPU server where we backed up these datasets has recently been attacked and...
你好,这里的代码是由原作者直接贡献的,可以考虑直接联系论文作者[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).
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Try this one for cityscapes dataset
The URL for deeplabv2_resnet101.pth works for me. Try once again might help.
Thanks for pointing this out. We are still working to fix these links.