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A computation-centric distributed graph processing system.
A computation-centric distributed graph processing system.
Quick Start
Gemini uses MPI for inter-process communication and libnuma for NUMA-aware memory allocation. A compiler supporting OpenMP and C++11 features (e.g. lambda expressions, multi-threading, etc.) is required.
Implementations of five graph analytics applications (PageRank, Connected Components, Single-Source Shortest Paths, Breadth-First Search, Betweenness Centrality) are inclulded in the toolkits/ directory.
To build:
The input parameters of these applications are as follows:
./toolkits/pagerank [path] [vertices] [iterations]
./toolkits/cc [path] [vertices]
./toolkits/sssp [path] [vertices] [root]
./toolkits/bfs [path] [vertices] [root]
./toolkits/bc [path] [vertices] [root]
[path] gives the path of an input graph, i.e. a file stored on a shared file system, consisting of |E| <source vertex id, destination vertex id, edge data> tuples in binary. [vertices] gives the number of vertices |V|. Vertex IDs are represented with 32-bit integers and edge data can be omitted for unweighted graphs (e.g. the above applications except SSSP). Note: CC makes the input graph undirected by adding a reversed edge to the graph for each loaded one; SSSP uses float as the type of weights.
If Slurm is installed on the cluster, you may run jobs like this, e.g. 20 iterations of PageRank on the twitter-2010 graph:
srun -N 8 ./toolkits/pagerank /path/to/twitter-2010.binedgelist 41652230 20
Xiaowei Zhu, Wenguang Chen, Weimin Zheng, and Xiaosong Ma. Gemini: A Computation-Centric Distributed Graph Processing System. 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '16).