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AssertionError: Over-read bin/yolo2-voc.weights
I tried to run the yolo-voc.cfg with the weights file downloaded from https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/ but it shows the following error:
ubuntu@ubuntu-S2600CW:~/Desktop/virtualroiflow/darkflow$ ./flow --model cfg/yolo2-voc.cfg --load bin/yolo2-voc.weights --train --dataset "VOCdevkit/VOC2007/JPEGImages/" --annotation "VOCdevkit/VOC2007/Annotations/" --gpu 1.0
Parsing ./cfg/yolo2-voc.cfg
Parsing cfg/yolo2-voc.cfg
Loading bin/yolo2-voc.weights ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./flow", line 6, in
File "/home/ubuntu/Desktop/virtualroiflow/darkflow/darkflow/utils/loader.py", line 106, in create_loader
return load_type(path, cfg)
File "/home/ubuntu/Desktop/virtualroiflow/darkflow/darkflow/utils/loader.py", line 20, in init
File "/home/ubuntu/Desktop/virtualroiflow/darkflow/darkflow/utils/loader.py", line 70, in load
val = walker.walk(new.wsize[par])
File "/home/ubuntu/Desktop/virtualroiflow/darkflow/darkflow/utils/loader.py", line 128, in walk
'Over-read {}'.format(self.path)
AssertionError: Over-read bin/yolo2-voc.weights
Hi, try it again, but follow instructions in readme and use weights uploaded on google drive only, the ones from darknet are not working with darkflow cfgs now.
Hi @jameskcentrum , the weights file uploaded on google drive for yolov2 is trained on coco dataset. Do you have any idea where I can get the weights file for yolov2 that trained on PASCAL VOC dataset?
I got the same problem and I also wanna find the pascal VOC pretrained weights file. Anyone can help?
As the files on official YOLO always updated, need to have the .weights corresponding to .cfg. Thanks to this .weights folder I was able to get it fixed.
Further details are in this closed issue - #153
I've used the weights from the repo by pjreaddie, I am able to obtain results using : flow --model cfg/tiny-yolo.cfg --load bin/tiny-yolo-voc.weights
everything works fine, but when try to import TFNET I can't load the wieights:
options = {"model": "/path/to/darkflow/cfg/tiny-yolo.cfg", "load": "/path/to/darkflow/bin/tiny-yolo-voc.weights", "threshold": 0.1} tfnet = TFNet(options)
I get : AssertionError: Over-read /path/to/bin/tiny-yolo-voc.weights
@razmik Hi' Do you know where could i get the right yolo-voc.weights about yolo-voc.cfg
getting the same error AssertionError: Over-read /path/to/bin/tiny-yolo-voc.weights can anyone help please
@razmik but where is the .cfg?
Try downloading the tiny yolo voc cfg and weigts files from the following url https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolov2/. The files from this website solved my problem.
This is different from https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/ .
If you get an assertion error after that, something that looks like the following
AssertionError : expect 63082056 bytes, found 63471556
The following is the solution to that problem Go to the darkflow folder within your darkflow directory. Open up loader.py in the utils folder.
Go to the line of code in the class class weights_walker(object)
You will see a line that says self.offset = some value X (probably 16 or 20)
You've gotta replace this self.offset value with ( X + (found - expected) )
This solved the bytes error for me.
It seems that the PJ Reddie files are not fully compatible, so I have to download the pre built weights from the provided link in the README: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1tW_VtY7onidEwyQ2FtQVplWEU
Hello, i have been trying to train my own data set having xml files for each image from scratch , but i have been recieving
'Over-read {}'.format(self.path) AssertionError: Over-read /darkflow/weights/yolo.weights
error. I tried using others weights with there corresponding cfg files, yet i am getting the same error in every case.
Hi, try it again, but follow instructions in readme and use weights uploaded on google drive only, the ones from darknet are not working with darkflow cfgs now.
Could you pinpoint the exact compatible pairs of cfg and weights files?