openvpn-auth-ldap icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
openvpn-auth-ldap copied to clipboard

Implements username/password authentication via LDAP for OpenVPN 2.x.

Results 73 openvpn-auth-ldap issues
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Why Centos 7.4 install OPENVPN 2.4.6 use OPENVPN - auth - ldap2.0.3. The correct RPM package The same environment in centos6.5 no problem LDAP bind failed immediately: Can't contact LDAP...

Hello!, hope someone can help me.. I have installed and configured "OpenVPN" and "OpenLDAP" on Ubuntu 22.04, moreover, I also have the plugin installed: "openvpn-auth-ldap", and it is precisely with...

Hello, there is an OpenVPN ticket regarding packet loss when auth plugins are used with OpenVPN. This plugin does not seem to contain the asychronous method calls?

Dirty implementation of using POSIX threads to invoke the deferred authentication plugin call for the OpenVPN LDAP Auth plugin. Issue: When a connection is initiated to OpenVPN, the authentication runs...

``` Hello, I'm trying to set up OpenVPN server which authenticates via certificate OR LDAP (not the both in the same time). I'm trying to archive this via using auth-user-pass-optional...


Once the authentication process is in place and it works, is it possible to use some Active directory properties of the authenticated client into VPN ? one such example would...

Added `TLSRequireCert` option: when disabled (`no`), `LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT` policy is setted to 'never'. Resolve #65 Resolve #30

## Use deb packages on debian 8.5 ``` openvpn 2.3.4-5+deb8u1 openvpn-auth-ldap 2.0.3-6.1 ``` ## OpenVPN server.conf ``` local XX.XX.XX.XX plugin /usr/lib/openvpn/ "/etc/openvpn/auth-ldap.conf" username-as-common-name port 1194 proto udp dev tun ca...

Add a simple check to ensure our LDAP context has been properly initialized before trying to release it on close

Hi there, I follow the configuration here []( My conf is ``` URL ldaps:// Timeout 15 TLSEnable no FollowReferrals yes TLSCACertDir /etc/ssl/certs TLSCertFile /etc/openvpn/keys/ldap-client.crt TLSKeyFile /etc/openvpn/keys/ldap-client.key BaseDN "dc=mycorp,dc=com" SearchFilter "(uid=%u)"...