grunt-sftp-deploy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
grunt-sftp-deploy copied to clipboard

Grunt task for code deployment over sftp

Results 18 grunt-sftp-deploy issues
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If I have several projects, sharing the same authentication, it would be useful to have a single .ftppass file and set its path in the config.

connection gets timeout during the handshake, is there any parameters to increase the timeout period ? Error: Timed out while waiting for handshake Fatal error: Connection :: error

Not sure of its wrongly described in the readme, but i couldnt get subfolders like `dist/tmp` get excluded unless i changed it to `./dist/tmp`. In the _grunt-ftp-deploy_ project there was...

Hi, I've set up everything correctly, and Terminal don't show any errors... $ grunt sftp-deploy --verbose Initializing Command-line options: --verbose Reading "Gruntfile.js" Gruntfile...OK Registering Gruntfile tasks. Reading .ftppass...OK Parsing .ftppass...OK...

I need to deploy/sync source dir with multiple (actually 2) remote destination directories. At the moment there is actually no support for `dest` as array. How can I implement this...

Is there an option to set a keep alive? It's taking 3.5 seconds to connect each time which for me at the moment.

When I try to transfer a binary file to the remote server it arrives corrupted there. I guess it's because the transfer mode ASCII.

im getting `Error: Disconnected by host (PROTOCOL_ERROR): Packet integrity error.` updating `ssh2` in `dependencies` to `0.4.13` fixed that for me...

Deeper files will all uploaded to the root directory with "\"s in file name.

I still have this issue. Folders transfer fine, but the files have the path name in them. Server sep is not working for me. Below is the code i use:...