thcrap icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
thcrap copied to clipboard


Open NereeScarlet opened this issue 3 years ago • 12 comments

NereeScarlet avatar Oct 01 '21 16:10 NereeScarlet


NereeScarlet avatar Oct 01 '21 16:10 NereeScarlet

I don't speak Chinese, but from what I understand with machine translation, this seems to be the same issue as ?

brliron avatar Oct 01 '21 18:10 brliron

Thanks for the reminder! (This is a machine translation. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes.) I went to look, but it wasn't a mistake. The #98 mistake was the same as Apple writing app. My mistake was that the text became completely illegible. The card name is changed to a string of '*'.

NereeScarlet avatar Oct 01 '21 22:10 NereeScarlet

Indeed, it doesn't seem to be the same problem. Can you send a screenshot of your problem, and the file thcrap_log.txt from the thcrap log directory?

brliron avatar Oct 01 '21 22:10 brliron


NereeScarlet avatar Oct 01 '21 23:10 NereeScarlet


RetroCyber avatar Nov 06 '21 10:11 RetroCyber


Yanstory avatar Nov 10 '21 02:11 Yanstory

Indeed, it doesn't seem to be the same problem. Can you send a screenshot of your problem, and the file thcrap_log.txt from the thcrap log directory?

seems facing the same problem... a

but some texts are displayed properly b

dialog texts... c

and my thcrap_log.txt, I dont see tpZHCNex in it, maybe missing that package?

Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher logfile
Branch: stable
Version: 2021-11-25
Current time: Nov 30 2021 13:7:50
Build time: Nov 25 2021 01:04:45
Built by: brliron
Command line: "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\th155\th155.exe"

System Information:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX with Radeon Graphics        
RAM: 21.23GiB free out of 31.4GiB, 32% used
OS/Runtime: Windows 10, Build 19044
Code pages: ANSI=936, OEM=936

Generic PnP Monitor on AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics: 1920x1080@32 300Hz

Run configuration file: D:\Download\thcrap\config\zh-hans.js

EXE file name: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\th155\th155.exe
(JSON) Resolving versions.js... 
 + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/versions.js
  + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/versions.js
Hashing executable... → th155 v1.10_steam (original) (codepage 0)
(JSON) Resolving configuration for th155.js... 
 + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/global.js
  + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/global.js
  + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/th155.js
  + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/th155.v1.10_steam.js
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/global.js
breakpoint ruby_offset: no cavesize specified
breakpoint th135_file_name: ignored
Game directory: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\th155\
Plug-in directory: D:\Download\thcrap\bin\

Initializing plug-ins...
(JSON) Resolving stringdefs.js... 
 + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/stringdefs.js
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/stringdefs.js
(JSON) Resolving th155/stringlocs.js... not found
(JSON) Resolving th155/spells.js... 
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/th155/spells.js
(JSON) Resolving th155/spells.js... 
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/th155/spells.js
(JSON) Resolving th155/spells.js... 
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/th155/spells.js
(JSON) Resolving th155/nut_strings.js... 
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/th155/nut_strings.js
(JSON) Resolving themes.js... 
 + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/themes.js
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/themes.js
(JSON) Resolving th155/musiccmt.js... not found
(JSON) Resolving themes.js... 
 + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/themes.js
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/themes.js
[Plugin] thcrap_tasofro.dll: initialized and active
[Plugin] thcrap_tsa.dll: not used for this game
Applying thcrap detours to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\th155\th155.exe...
Detouring DLL functions (kernel32.dll)...
( 1/42) CreateProcessA... OK
( 2/42) CopyFileA... not found
( 3/42) CreateFileMappingA... OK
( 4/42) MultiByteToWideChar... OK
( 5/42) CopyFileExA... not found
( 6/42) GetPrivateProfileIntA... OK
( 7/42) CreateDirectoryA... OK
( 8/42) CreateFileA... OK
( 9/42) DeleteFileA... OK
(10/42) FindFirstFileA... OK
(11/42) FindNextFileA... OK
(12/42) FormatMessageA... OK
(13/42) WideCharToMultiByte... OK
(14/42) GetCurrentDirectoryA... OK
(15/42) CreateRemoteThread... not found
(16/42) GetFileAttributesA... OK
(17/42) GetEnvironmentVariableA... not found
(18/42) GetFileAttributesExA... not found
(19/42) GetTempPathA... not found
(20/42) GetFullPathNameA... OK
(21/42) GetCommandLineA... OK
(22/42) GetModuleFileNameA... OK
(23/42) GetModuleHandleExA... not found
(24/42) GetPrivateProfileStringA... OK
(25/42) CreateProcessW... not found
(26/42) GetStartupInfoA... not found
(27/42) SetEnvironmentVariableA... OK
(28/42) GetTempFileNameA... not found
(29/42) MoveFileA... not found
(30/42) IsDBCSLeadByte... not found
(31/42) LoadLibraryA... OK
(32/42) MoveFileExA... not found
(33/42) MoveFileWithProgressA... not found
(34/42) OpenFileMappingA... OK
(35/42) ReadFile... OK
(36/42) RemoveDirectoryA... not found
(37/42) SetCurrentDirectoryA... OK
(38/42) WriteFile... OK
(39/42) WritePrivateProfileStringA... not found
(40/42) ExitProcess... OK
(41/42) LoadLibraryW... OK
(42/42) CloseHandle... OK
Detouring DLL functions (user32.dll)...
( 1/24) CallWindowProcA... not found
( 2/24) CharLowerA... not found
( 3/24) DefWindowProcA... OK
( 4/24) InsertMenuItemA... not found
( 5/24) CreateWindowExA... OK
( 6/24) CharNextA... OK
( 7/24) CreateDialogParamA... not found
( 8/24) DialogBoxParamA... not found
( 9/24) DrawTextA... not found
(10/24) GetClassInfoA... not found
(11/24) GetClassInfoExA... not found
(12/24) GetWindowLongA... OK
(13/24) SetWindowLongA... not found
(14/24) GetWindowLongPtrA... not found
(15/24) LoadStringA... not found
(16/24) RegisterClassExA... OK
(17/24) MessageBoxA... OK
(18/24) RegisterClassA... not found
(19/24) SetDlgItemTextA... not found
(20/24) SetMenuItemInfoA... not found
(21/24) SetWindowLongPtrA... not found
(22/24) SetWindowTextA... OK
(23/24) TabbedTextOutA... not found
(24/24) UnregisterClassA... not found
Detouring DLL functions (gdi32.dll)...
( 1/12) AddFontResourceExA... not found
( 2/12) EnumFontFamiliesExA... not found
( 3/12) CreateFontA... not found
( 4/12) CreateFontIndirectA... not found
( 5/12) GetGlyphOutlineA... not found
( 6/12) CreateFontIndirectExA... not found
( 7/12) EnumFontsA... not found
( 8/12) ExtTextOutA... not found
( 9/12) EnumFontFamiliesA... not found
(10/12) GetTextExtentPoint32A... not found
(11/12) RemoveFontResourceExA... not found
(12/12) TextOutA... not found
Detouring DLL functions (shell32.dll)...
( 1/ 7) SHBrowseForFolderA... not found
( 2/ 7) DragQueryFileA... not found
( 3/ 7) ExtractIconA... not found
( 4/ 7) ExtractIconExA... not found
( 5/ 7) SHGetFolderPathA... not found
( 6/ 7) ShellExecuteA... OK
( 7/ 7) SHGetPathFromIDListA... not found
Detouring DLL functions (version.dll)...
( 1/ 4) GetFileVersionInfoA... OK
( 2/ 4) GetFileVersionInfoExA... not found
( 3/ 4) GetFileVersionInfoSizeA... OK
( 4/ 4) GetFileVersionInfoSizeExA... not found
Detouring DLL functions (dsound.dll)...
( 1/ 2) DirectSoundEnumerateA... not found
( 2/ 2) DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA... not found
Setting up binary hacks...
( 1/ 1) ret (Returns from a function)...
at 0x00ECFF30... OK
at 0x00ECE120... OK
at 0x00ED23F0... OK
Rendering binary hacks... (source cave at 0x04840000)

at 0x00ECFF30... OK
at 0x00ECE120... OK
at 0x00ED23F0... OK
Setting up breakpoints...
( 1/ 2) th145_openFile...
at 0x00DC3F2A... OK
( 2/ 2) th135_replaceReadFile...
at 0x00DCDEB1... OK
at 0x00DCDEFD... OK
Rendering breakpoints... (source cave at 0x04850000, call cave at 0x04860000)
Complete run configuration:
  console: false
  thcrap dir: 'D:\Download\thcrap'
  runcfg fn: 'D:\Download\thcrap\config\zh-hans.js'
  game id: 'th155'
  build id: 'v1.10_steam'
  game title: '東方憑依華 ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers'
  update URL: ''
  latest: 'v1.10_steam' 'v1.19_beta3' 'v1.10'
  dat_dump: ''
Patch stack:
Patches in the stack: base_tasofro, lang_zh-hans

[1] base_tasofro:
  archive: D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/
  title: Basic support for Tasogare Frontier games
  update: true
  ignore: ''
  servers: ''
[2] lang_zh-hans:
  archive: D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/
  title: Simplified Chinese language pack
  update: true
  ignore: ''
  servers: ''
Run configuration JSON:
  "console": false,
  "dat_dump": false,
  "patches": [
      "archive": "D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/"
      "archive": "D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/"
      "archive": "D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/"
  "thcrap_version_min": "0x20170905",
  "thcrap_url": "",
  "binhacks": {
    "log_restore": {
      "code": "e9[log_printf]",
      "title": "Restore the game's built-in logging"
    "menu_desc_align": {
      "code": "52 ff75ac ff75b0 e8[GetTextExtentForFontID] 8d440010 50 db04e4 58 59 89ca 90909090",
      "title": "Menu description alignment"
    "result_spell_align": {
      "code": "31c0",
      "title": "Remove spell \"alignment\" in the result screen"
    "spell_name_fetch": {
      "code": "8b4d0c5131c9515151",
      "title": "Prepare deferred spell name fetching"
    "sprintf_call_esp+14": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e414",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (esp+14)"
    "sprintf_call_esp+18": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e418",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (esp+18)"
    "sprintf_call_esp+1c": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e41c",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (esp+1c)"
    "sprintf_call_esp+34": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e434",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (esp+34)"
    "sprintf_call_esp+38": {
      "code": "e8[strings_vsprintf]89442434",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (esp+34)"
    "sprintf_call_esp+3c": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e43c",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (esp+3c)"
    "sprintf_call_ebp-50": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8945b0",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-50)"
    "sprintf_call_ebp-88": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]898578ffffff",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-88)"
    "sprintf_call_ebp-8c": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]898574ffffff",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-8c)"
    "sprintf_call_ebp-208": {
      "code": "5190909090909090909090e8[strings_vsprintf]83c40c509090",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-208)"
    "sprintf_call_ebp-200": {
      "code": "5090909090909090909090e8[strings_vsprintf]8b4d0c83c40c509090",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-200)"
    "sprintf_msvcrt14_esp+34": {
      "title": "Safe Visual Studio 2015-style sprintf (esp+34)",
      "code": "e8[strings_vsprintf_msvcrt14]89442434"
    "sprintf_msvcrt14_esp+3c": {
      "title": "Safe Visual Studio 2015-style sprintf (esp+3c)",
      "code": "e8[strings_vsprintf_msvcrt14]8944243c"
    "sprintf_msvcrt14_ebp-10c": {
      "title": "Safe Visual Studio 2015-style sprintf (ebp-10c)",
      "code": "e8[strings_vsprintf_msvcrt14]8985f4feffff"
    "sprintf_replay_use_ecx_2": {
      "code": "e8[strings_sprintf] 83c4 0c 89c1 9090"
    "sprintf_replay_use_ecx_5": {
      "code": "e8[strings_sprintf] 83c4 0c 89c1 9090909090"
    "sprintf_rep": {
      "code": "8b",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (replace)"
    "meiryo_strcmp_remove": {
      "code": "9090",
      "title": "Don't restrict use of the Meiryo font to Japanese locale"
    "ending_copy_rem": {
      "title": "Remove the useless string copy and buffer overflow in ending messages, #1 (remember line start and skip to the end of the string)"
    "ending_copy_rep": {
      "code": "8b",
      "title": "Remove the useless string copy and buffer overflow in ending messages, #2 (LEA → MOV)"
    "spell_align": {
      "title": "Correctly align right-aligned text (TH16+)",
      "code": "ff7518 56 e8[GetTextExtentForFontID] 83c008 d1e0 89c6 8b442410 8b4c240c 8b542414 8b4c8808 8bc1 c1f808 8b9482f0f48401 0fb6c1 8d0c40 8b8224010000 8b0cc8 8b451c 8d1400 89f0 8b742410 909090"
    "antitamper_remove_check": {
      "title": "Don't quit the game on an invalid anti-tampering checksum",
      "code": "33c0 c3"
    "hud_force_redraw": {
      "title": "Redraw the HUD every frame, because we might be drawing TL notes there",
      "code": "eb"
    "ret": {
      "code": "c3",
      "title": "Returns from a function",
      "addr": [
  "breakpoints": {
    "ruby_offset": {
      "font_dialog": 0,
      "font_ruby": 2
    "ascii_params": {
      "cavesize": 5
    "th135_file_name": {
      "file_name": "esi",
      "cavesize": 6,
      "ignore": true,
      "addr": "Rx032c8e"
    "th145_openFile": {
      "filename": "[ebp+8]",
      "reader": "esi",
      "cavesize": 10,
      "addr": "Rx023f2a"
    "th135_replaceReadFile": {
      "cavesize": 6,
      "addr": [
  "tlnotes": {
    "reference_resolution": [
    "font": "'MS Gothic' 32 0 400 DEFAULT_QUALITY",
    "valign": "bottom"
  "steam_appid": "716710",
  "title": "東方憑依華 ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers",
  "url_trial": "",
  "latest": [
  "pl_parsing_strict_eol": true,
  "subtitles_support": true,
  "font": "SimHei",
  "game": "th155"
[Steam] Initialized for AppID 716710
Initialization completed in 0.156052 seconds
Shutting down repatch watcher thread.
• Total number of file changes parsed: 0
Removing plug-ins...

Scarecrow928 avatar Nov 30 '21 13:11 Scarecrow928

Indeed, it doesn't seem to be the same problem. Can you send a screenshot of your problem, and the file thcrap_log.txt from the thcrap log directory?

seems facing the same problem... a

but some texts are displayed properly b

dialog texts... c

and my thcrap_log.txt, I dont see tpZHCNex in it, maybe missing that package?

Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher logfile
Branch: stable
Version: 2021-11-25
Current time: Nov 30 2021 13:7:50
Build time: Nov 25 2021 01:04:45
Built by: brliron
Command line: "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\th155\th155.exe"

System Information:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX with Radeon Graphics        
RAM: 21.23GiB free out of 31.4GiB, 32% used
OS/Runtime: Windows 10, Build 19044
Code pages: ANSI=936, OEM=936

Generic PnP Monitor on AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics: 1920x1080@32 300Hz

Run configuration file: D:\Download\thcrap\config\zh-hans.js

EXE file name: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\th155\th155.exe
(JSON) Resolving versions.js... 
 + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/versions.js
  + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/versions.js
Hashing executable... → th155 v1.10_steam (original) (codepage 0)
(JSON) Resolving configuration for th155.js... 
 + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/global.js
  + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/global.js
  + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/th155.js
  + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/th155.v1.10_steam.js
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/global.js
breakpoint ruby_offset: no cavesize specified
breakpoint th135_file_name: ignored
Game directory: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\th155\
Plug-in directory: D:\Download\thcrap\bin\

Initializing plug-ins...
(JSON) Resolving stringdefs.js... 
 + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/stringdefs.js
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/stringdefs.js
(JSON) Resolving th155/stringlocs.js... not found
(JSON) Resolving th155/spells.js... 
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/th155/spells.js
(JSON) Resolving th155/spells.js... 
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/th155/spells.js
(JSON) Resolving th155/spells.js... 
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/th155/spells.js
(JSON) Resolving th155/nut_strings.js... 
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/th155/nut_strings.js
(JSON) Resolving themes.js... 
 + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/themes.js
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/themes.js
(JSON) Resolving th155/musiccmt.js... not found
(JSON) Resolving themes.js... 
 + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/themes.js
   + D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/themes.js
[Plugin] thcrap_tasofro.dll: initialized and active
[Plugin] thcrap_tsa.dll: not used for this game
Applying thcrap detours to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\th155\th155.exe...
Detouring DLL functions (kernel32.dll)...
( 1/42) CreateProcessA... OK
( 2/42) CopyFileA... not found
( 3/42) CreateFileMappingA... OK
( 4/42) MultiByteToWideChar... OK
( 5/42) CopyFileExA... not found
( 6/42) GetPrivateProfileIntA... OK
( 7/42) CreateDirectoryA... OK
( 8/42) CreateFileA... OK
( 9/42) DeleteFileA... OK
(10/42) FindFirstFileA... OK
(11/42) FindNextFileA... OK
(12/42) FormatMessageA... OK
(13/42) WideCharToMultiByte... OK
(14/42) GetCurrentDirectoryA... OK
(15/42) CreateRemoteThread... not found
(16/42) GetFileAttributesA... OK
(17/42) GetEnvironmentVariableA... not found
(18/42) GetFileAttributesExA... not found
(19/42) GetTempPathA... not found
(20/42) GetFullPathNameA... OK
(21/42) GetCommandLineA... OK
(22/42) GetModuleFileNameA... OK
(23/42) GetModuleHandleExA... not found
(24/42) GetPrivateProfileStringA... OK
(25/42) CreateProcessW... not found
(26/42) GetStartupInfoA... not found
(27/42) SetEnvironmentVariableA... OK
(28/42) GetTempFileNameA... not found
(29/42) MoveFileA... not found
(30/42) IsDBCSLeadByte... not found
(31/42) LoadLibraryA... OK
(32/42) MoveFileExA... not found
(33/42) MoveFileWithProgressA... not found
(34/42) OpenFileMappingA... OK
(35/42) ReadFile... OK
(36/42) RemoveDirectoryA... not found
(37/42) SetCurrentDirectoryA... OK
(38/42) WriteFile... OK
(39/42) WritePrivateProfileStringA... not found
(40/42) ExitProcess... OK
(41/42) LoadLibraryW... OK
(42/42) CloseHandle... OK
Detouring DLL functions (user32.dll)...
( 1/24) CallWindowProcA... not found
( 2/24) CharLowerA... not found
( 3/24) DefWindowProcA... OK
( 4/24) InsertMenuItemA... not found
( 5/24) CreateWindowExA... OK
( 6/24) CharNextA... OK
( 7/24) CreateDialogParamA... not found
( 8/24) DialogBoxParamA... not found
( 9/24) DrawTextA... not found
(10/24) GetClassInfoA... not found
(11/24) GetClassInfoExA... not found
(12/24) GetWindowLongA... OK
(13/24) SetWindowLongA... not found
(14/24) GetWindowLongPtrA... not found
(15/24) LoadStringA... not found
(16/24) RegisterClassExA... OK
(17/24) MessageBoxA... OK
(18/24) RegisterClassA... not found
(19/24) SetDlgItemTextA... not found
(20/24) SetMenuItemInfoA... not found
(21/24) SetWindowLongPtrA... not found
(22/24) SetWindowTextA... OK
(23/24) TabbedTextOutA... not found
(24/24) UnregisterClassA... not found
Detouring DLL functions (gdi32.dll)...
( 1/12) AddFontResourceExA... not found
( 2/12) EnumFontFamiliesExA... not found
( 3/12) CreateFontA... not found
( 4/12) CreateFontIndirectA... not found
( 5/12) GetGlyphOutlineA... not found
( 6/12) CreateFontIndirectExA... not found
( 7/12) EnumFontsA... not found
( 8/12) ExtTextOutA... not found
( 9/12) EnumFontFamiliesA... not found
(10/12) GetTextExtentPoint32A... not found
(11/12) RemoveFontResourceExA... not found
(12/12) TextOutA... not found
Detouring DLL functions (shell32.dll)...
( 1/ 7) SHBrowseForFolderA... not found
( 2/ 7) DragQueryFileA... not found
( 3/ 7) ExtractIconA... not found
( 4/ 7) ExtractIconExA... not found
( 5/ 7) SHGetFolderPathA... not found
( 6/ 7) ShellExecuteA... OK
( 7/ 7) SHGetPathFromIDListA... not found
Detouring DLL functions (version.dll)...
( 1/ 4) GetFileVersionInfoA... OK
( 2/ 4) GetFileVersionInfoExA... not found
( 3/ 4) GetFileVersionInfoSizeA... OK
( 4/ 4) GetFileVersionInfoSizeExA... not found
Detouring DLL functions (dsound.dll)...
( 1/ 2) DirectSoundEnumerateA... not found
( 2/ 2) DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA... not found
Setting up binary hacks...
( 1/ 1) ret (Returns from a function)...
at 0x00ECFF30... OK
at 0x00ECE120... OK
at 0x00ED23F0... OK
Rendering binary hacks... (source cave at 0x04840000)

at 0x00ECFF30... OK
at 0x00ECE120... OK
at 0x00ED23F0... OK
Setting up breakpoints...
( 1/ 2) th145_openFile...
at 0x00DC3F2A... OK
( 2/ 2) th135_replaceReadFile...
at 0x00DCDEB1... OK
at 0x00DCDEFD... OK
Rendering breakpoints... (source cave at 0x04850000, call cave at 0x04860000)
Complete run configuration:
  console: false
  thcrap dir: 'D:\Download\thcrap'
  runcfg fn: 'D:\Download\thcrap\config\zh-hans.js'
  game id: 'th155'
  build id: 'v1.10_steam'
  game title: '東方憑依華 ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers'
  update URL: ''
  latest: 'v1.10_steam' 'v1.19_beta3' 'v1.10'
  dat_dump: ''
Patch stack:
Patches in the stack: base_tasofro, lang_zh-hans

[1] base_tasofro:
  archive: D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/
  title: Basic support for Tasogare Frontier games
  update: true
  ignore: ''
  servers: ''
[2] lang_zh-hans:
  archive: D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/
  title: Simplified Chinese language pack
  update: true
  ignore: ''
  servers: ''
Run configuration JSON:
  "console": false,
  "dat_dump": false,
  "patches": [
      "archive": "D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tsa/"
      "archive": "D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/"
      "archive": "D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/"
  "thcrap_version_min": "0x20170905",
  "thcrap_url": "",
  "binhacks": {
    "log_restore": {
      "code": "e9[log_printf]",
      "title": "Restore the game's built-in logging"
    "menu_desc_align": {
      "code": "52 ff75ac ff75b0 e8[GetTextExtentForFontID] 8d440010 50 db04e4 58 59 89ca 90909090",
      "title": "Menu description alignment"
    "result_spell_align": {
      "code": "31c0",
      "title": "Remove spell \"alignment\" in the result screen"
    "spell_name_fetch": {
      "code": "8b4d0c5131c9515151",
      "title": "Prepare deferred spell name fetching"
    "sprintf_call_esp+14": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e414",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (esp+14)"
    "sprintf_call_esp+18": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e418",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (esp+18)"
    "sprintf_call_esp+1c": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e41c",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (esp+1c)"
    "sprintf_call_esp+34": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e434",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (esp+34)"
    "sprintf_call_esp+38": {
      "code": "e8[strings_vsprintf]89442434",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (esp+34)"
    "sprintf_call_esp+3c": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8944e43c",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (esp+3c)"
    "sprintf_call_ebp-50": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]8945b0",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-50)"
    "sprintf_call_ebp-88": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]898578ffffff",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-88)"
    "sprintf_call_ebp-8c": {
      "code": "50e8[strings_vsprintf]898574ffffff",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-8c)"
    "sprintf_call_ebp-208": {
      "code": "5190909090909090909090e8[strings_vsprintf]83c40c509090",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-208)"
    "sprintf_call_ebp-200": {
      "code": "5090909090909090909090e8[strings_vsprintf]8b4d0c83c40c509090",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (ebp-200)"
    "sprintf_msvcrt14_esp+34": {
      "title": "Safe Visual Studio 2015-style sprintf (esp+34)",
      "code": "e8[strings_vsprintf_msvcrt14]89442434"
    "sprintf_msvcrt14_esp+3c": {
      "title": "Safe Visual Studio 2015-style sprintf (esp+3c)",
      "code": "e8[strings_vsprintf_msvcrt14]8944243c"
    "sprintf_msvcrt14_ebp-10c": {
      "title": "Safe Visual Studio 2015-style sprintf (ebp-10c)",
      "code": "e8[strings_vsprintf_msvcrt14]8985f4feffff"
    "sprintf_replay_use_ecx_2": {
      "code": "e8[strings_sprintf] 83c4 0c 89c1 9090"
    "sprintf_replay_use_ecx_5": {
      "code": "e8[strings_sprintf] 83c4 0c 89c1 9090909090"
    "sprintf_rep": {
      "code": "8b",
      "title": "Safe sprintf (replace)"
    "meiryo_strcmp_remove": {
      "code": "9090",
      "title": "Don't restrict use of the Meiryo font to Japanese locale"
    "ending_copy_rem": {
      "title": "Remove the useless string copy and buffer overflow in ending messages, #1 (remember line start and skip to the end of the string)"
    "ending_copy_rep": {
      "code": "8b",
      "title": "Remove the useless string copy and buffer overflow in ending messages, #2 (LEA → MOV)"
    "spell_align": {
      "title": "Correctly align right-aligned text (TH16+)",
      "code": "ff7518 56 e8[GetTextExtentForFontID] 83c008 d1e0 89c6 8b442410 8b4c240c 8b542414 8b4c8808 8bc1 c1f808 8b9482f0f48401 0fb6c1 8d0c40 8b8224010000 8b0cc8 8b451c 8d1400 89f0 8b742410 909090"
    "antitamper_remove_check": {
      "title": "Don't quit the game on an invalid anti-tampering checksum",
      "code": "33c0 c3"
    "hud_force_redraw": {
      "title": "Redraw the HUD every frame, because we might be drawing TL notes there",
      "code": "eb"
    "ret": {
      "code": "c3",
      "title": "Returns from a function",
      "addr": [
  "breakpoints": {
    "ruby_offset": {
      "font_dialog": 0,
      "font_ruby": 2
    "ascii_params": {
      "cavesize": 5
    "th135_file_name": {
      "file_name": "esi",
      "cavesize": 6,
      "ignore": true,
      "addr": "Rx032c8e"
    "th145_openFile": {
      "filename": "[ebp+8]",
      "reader": "esi",
      "cavesize": 10,
      "addr": "Rx023f2a"
    "th135_replaceReadFile": {
      "cavesize": 6,
      "addr": [
  "tlnotes": {
    "reference_resolution": [
    "font": "'MS Gothic' 32 0 400 DEFAULT_QUALITY",
    "valign": "bottom"
  "steam_appid": "716710",
  "title": "東方憑依華 ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers",
  "url_trial": "",
  "latest": [
  "pl_parsing_strict_eol": true,
  "subtitles_support": true,
  "font": "SimHei",
  "game": "th155"
[Steam] Initialized for AppID 716710
Initialization completed in 0.156052 seconds
Shutting down repatch watcher thread.
• Total number of file changes parsed: 0
Removing plug-ins...


RetroCyber avatar Dec 01 '21 00:12 RetroCyber

@ROCO-freedom 用了tpZHCNex以后文字文字都没了。。 我是在bin文件夹下运行.\thcrap_configure.exe "",然后先选择zh-hans,再选taso ,中间也没出啥错误 a 这是pacth stack那一段

Patch stack:
Patches in the stack: base_tasofro, lang_zh-hans, taso

[1] base_tasofro:
  archive: D:/Download/thcrap/repos/nmlgc/base_tasofro/
  title: Basic support for Tasogare Frontier games
  update: true
  ignore: ''
  servers: ''
[2] lang_zh-hans:
  archive: D:/Download/thcrap/repos/thpatch/lang_zh-hans/
  title: Simplified Chinese language pack
  update: true
  ignore: ''
  servers: ''
[3] taso:
  archive: D:/Download/thcrap/repos/tpZHCNex/taso/
  title: tasofro's ftg Chinese Simplfied font patch
  update: true
  ignore: ''
  servers: '' ''

不过这个log文件最后有一大段not found,我重新装了一遍,用这个把pak文件解包了放进去还是not found,不知道这有没问题

[Steam] Initialized for AppID 716710
Initialization completed in 0.179932 seconds
(Data) Resolving th155/data/effect/Texture/Effect/Loop_streem0000.nhtex... not found
(JSON) Resolving th155/data/effect/Texture/Effect/Loop_streem0000.nhtex.jdiff... not found
(Data) Resolving th155/data/effect/Texture/Effect/Loop_streem0000.nhtex.png... not found

...后面全是not found

Scarecrow928 avatar Dec 01 '21 03:12 Scarecrow928

这些not found是因为还没有从thpatch上下载补丁需要的素材导致的,需要跑一下启动器下载下素材。最好是开着梯子不然有可能下载不下来。

RetroCyber avatar Dec 01 '21 03:12 RetroCyber