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A Java library to handle attributes and functional dependencies, and to solve database normalization related problems, including closure, minimal basis, projection, and decomposition to BCNF and 3NF,...

[EXTRA] Java GUI App

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Library Installation





This is a open souce library together with an app with GUI to solve database normalization related problems, including:

  • Compute closure
  • Compute minimal basis (aka. minimal cover)
  • Compute projection
  • Compute keys or superkeys of a relation
  • Check which normal form a relation is in
  • Decompose a relation to BCNF or 3NF
  • Detect possible loss of functional dependency (FD) during any decomposition
  • Check if two sets of functional dependencies are equivalent to each other

User Guide

Create an "Attribute" object

There are two equivalent ways to create an Attribute object.

Attribute attr = new Attribute("userid");


Attribute attr = Attribute.of("userid");

Get a set of "Attribute" objects

Set<Attribute> attrs = Attribute.getSet("name, age, gender");

The string in the parameter will be split by the comma ,, and then a java.util.Set of Attribute objects will be created according to the names in the string.

Please note that,

  • All white spaces are ignored.
  • Everything is case-sensitive.
  • A legal name of an ```Attribute``` object cannot contain comma ```,```, semicolon ```;```, or a substring of ```-->```.

Create a "Functional Dependency" object

FuncDep fd = FuncDep.of("name --> location, favApp");

This will create a FuncDep object that represents a functional dependency. In this case, fd means "name determines location and favApp". Generally, attribute(s) on the left side determines those on the right side.

Get a set of "Functional Dependency" objects

Set<FuncDep> fds = FuncDep.getSet("name --> location, favApp; app --> provider");

The attribute names in a functional dependency are separated by comma ',', and different functional dependencies are separated by semicolon ';'.

Create a "Relation" object

There are multiple approaches to create a Relation object. Here only 2 of them are introduced. The first approach is by using two expression strings. For example,

Relation userInfo = new Relation("name, location, app, favApp, provider", "name --> location, favApp; app --> provider");

The first string specifies the attributes in this relation, while the second describes all the functional dependencies.

There is another approach to create exactly the same Relation object.

Set<Attribute> attrs = Attribute.getSet("name, location, app, favApp, provider");
Set<FuncDep> fds = FuncDep.getSet("name --> location, favApp; app --> provider");
Relation userInfo = new Relation(attrs, fds);

Use methods in "Algos" class

The Algos is a utility class. Methods in this class can be used to perform a lot of different computations related to functional dependencies and normalization of relations.

For example, to compute the minimal basis of a set of functional dependencies, we can simply write:

Set<FuncDep> fds = FuncDep.getSet("C-->T;H,R-->C;H,T-->R;C,S-->G;H,S-->R");
Set<FuncDep> minimalBasis = Algos.minimalBasis(fds);

Another example is to remove all the trivial functional dependencies from a set.

Set<FuncDep> fds = FuncDep.getSet("A-->B;A,B-->B;A,B-->A;C-->C;C,D,E,F-->C,D,F");

Please note that some methods perform operations on the original set(s) in the parameter, while others will return the results in a different set, without modifying the original sets.

Here is a complete list of what the static methods in the Algos class can do:

  • Compute closure
  • Combine the right hand side of a set of functional dependencies
  • Check if two sets of functional dependencies are equivalent
  • Compute the minimun basis of a set of functional dependencies
  • Compute superkeys and keys for a given set of attributes together with a set of functional dependencies
  • Compute the projection of a set of functional dependencies on a set of attributes
  • Remove redundent functional dependencies from a set
  • Compute the functional dependencies that violate 3NF
  • Compute the functional dependencies that violate BCNF
  • Compute which functional dependencies are lost during a forced decomposition to BCNF or 3NF

Decompose to BCNF or 3NF

One of the most powerful and convenient functionality of this library is to directly decompose a relation into BCNF or 3NF. To decompose a relation directly to 3NF using the "Lossless Join & Dependency Preservation" algorithm:

Relation rel = new Relation("A,B,C,D,E", "A-->B,C; C,D-->E; E-->A; B-->D");
Set<Relation> relsIn3NF = rel.decomposeTo3NF();

This will force the relation rel to be decomposed, no matter if it is already in 3NF or BCNF.

Also, decomposition to BCNF can be achieved by a similiar approach,

Set<Relation> relsInBCNF = rel.decomposeToBCNF();

This direct decomposititon will cause possible loss of functional dependencies. To check if all the functional dependencies are preserved after the decomposition, simple call a method in the Algos class:

Set<FuncDep> lost = Algos.checkLossyDecomposition(rel.getAttributes(), rel.getFuncDeps(), relsInBCNF);

All the lost functional dependencies will be stored in lost. If lost is empty, it means all functional dependencies are preserved after the decomposition.