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target attributes stripped from a tags in descriptions

Open eudaimos opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

When I include a target="_blank" in the anchor tags within my descriptions, these are being stripped out in the end product (referring to the one in use at

After generating the radar, when I inspect a link using Chrome Dev Tools, I can clearly see the target attribute is gone and only the href remains.

Is there a reason this is being done?

My goal is to allow links to the reference URLs for blips in the descriptions to not navigate away from the Radar but to open up a new window or tab for the viewer.

eudaimos avatar Dec 11 '19 02:12 eudaimos

Hi @eudaimos ,

We are looking into this issue. We'll get back to you shortly.


SARAN-thala avatar Dec 16 '19 08:12 SARAN-thala

Hi @SARAN-thala, would it be the sanitize-html being too strict?

Also, would it make sense to add <base target="_blank"> in the header? Once a user is taken away by clicking on a link (in blip description), going back might need reloading of the main js, which is 2M+.

scramboy avatar Feb 07 '20 19:02 scramboy