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Diesel gives your Rails engines power.
Diesel gives your Rails engines power.
Rails engines have greatly improved since the 3.0 days, and we no longer feel that enhancements from diesel are necessary.
Diesel is deprecated and no longer being developed.
It makes it easier to have your Engine provide generators like:
- An "install" generator like "rails g clearance:install"
- A "features" generator like "rails g clearance:features"
- A "views" generator like "rails g clearance:views"
It makes it easier to test your Engine with Cucumber stories like:
Scenario: generate a Rails app, run the generates, and run the tests
When I successfully run `bundle exec rails new testapp`
And I cd to "testapp"
And I add the "cucumber-rails" gem
And I add the "capybara" gem
And I add the "rspec-rails" gem
And I add the "database_cleaner" gem
And I add the "diesel" gem
And I add the "myengine" gem from this project
And I reset the Bundler environment variable
And I run `bundle install --local`
And I successfully run `bundle exec rails generate cucumber:install`
And I successfully run `bundle exec rails generate myengine:install`
And I successfully run `bundle exec rails generate myengine:features`
And I successfully run `bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace`
And I successfully run `bundle exec rake --trace`
Then the output should contain "1 scenario (1 passed)"
And the output should not contain "Could not find generator"
Diesel is maintained and funded by thoughtbot, inc
Thank you to all the contributors!
The names and logos for thoughtbot are trademarks of thoughtbot, inc.
Diesel is Copyright © 2012 thoughtbot. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.