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Internationalize app's metadata
Does the Forecast API work in countries? I've been reading that 75%+ of many app's sales are outside of the US.
What is Tropos' current metadata? Could we have multi-lingual speakers at thoughtbot translate them for us? /cc @conchan @tute @paulcsmith @devonharless @halogenandtoast @calleerlandsson @bernerdschaefer @kaishin @gylaz.
I think we have coverage for:
- Spanish
- Chinese
- Japanese
- Swedish
- German
- Russian
I can speak Chinese but definitely cannot read it well enough to translate 😄 I know some people who can though 😉
All of the API features work in the US. Some features are available in Canada and the UK.
I would translate it into spanish, if it's useful experiment. Do we have a config file with strings à la Rails?
Sounds like app isn't useful outside UK US and Canada, so only translation worth doing would be French, which I don't think we have any speakers.
Is there anything we need to do to make the app appear in those countries' stores?
@JoelQ can speak French!
@croaky We'd just have to check some boxes, but I'd be interested in knowing which features don't work outside the US. Seems like releasing a crippled app outside the US is going to do more harm than good.
I can translate to French if we decide that would be useful
It looks like Forecast say their API is global: "Full-featured global weather service"
The countries that run the data collection happen to be US, UK, Norway, but the parenthetical a seem to be saying they are global data:
At the very least North America and Europe seem well-covered?
Could try for US, Canada, UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden.
Thanks, @joelq!
The reason I thought this was only super reliable in the US, UK and Canada are because of this bit on data sources from the API Docs
Data Sources This API is backed by a wide range of data sources, which are aggregated together statistically to provide the most accurate forecast possible for a given location. Any data sources used to service a given request will be noted in the flags section of a forecast response. These sources include:
Dark Sky’s own hyperlocal precipitation forecasting system (id darksky), backed by radar data from the following systems: The USA NOAA’s NEXRAD system (USA). The UK Met Office’s NIMROD system (UK, Ireland). (More coming soon.) The USA NOAA’s LAMP system (USA, id lamp). The UK Met Office’s Datapoint API (UK, id datapoint). The Norwegian Meteorological Institute’s meteorological forecast API (global, id metno). The USA NOAA’s Global Forecast System (global, id gfs). The USA NOAA’s Integrated Surface Database (global, id isd). The USA NOAA’s Public Alert system (USA, id nwspa). The UK Met Office’s Severe Weather Warning system (UK, id metwarn). Environment Canada’s Canadian Meteorological Center ensemble model (global, id cmc). The US Navy’s Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Ensemble Forecast System (global, id fnmoc). The USA NOAA and Environment Canada’s North American Ensemble Forecast System (global, id naefs). The USA NOAA’s North American Mesoscale Model (North America, id nam). The USA NOAA’s Rapid Refresh Model (North America, id rap). The Norwegian Meteorological Institute’s GRIB file forecast for Central Europe (Europe, id metno_ce). The Norwegian Meteorological Institute’s GRIB file forecast for Northern Europe (Europe, id metno_ne). Worldwide METAR weather reports (global, id metar). The USA NOAA/NCEP’s Short-Range Ensemble Forecast (North America, id sref). The USA NOAA/NCEP’s Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis model (North America, id rtma). The USA NOAA/ESRL’s Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (global, id madis).
Yup, those parentheticals are what I was referencing. Wondering if the (global) bits are saying the data is available globally.
I think I might... ask them!