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A Search View with Result list powered by Realm (No longer maintained!)

A Search View with Result list powered by Realm

A simple and powerful EditText and RecyclerView UI component. It's build on top of RealmRecyclerView and RealmBasedRecyclerViewAdapter.

It's easily customizable via layout attributes and adapter parameters.

##How To Include It:

	repositories {
        // ...
        maven { url "" }
	dependencies {
	        compile 'com.github.thorbenprimke:realm-searchview:0.9.6'



How To Get Started:

The RealmSearchView is a wrapper around a EditText and RealmRecyclerView. The RealmSearchAdapter has added functionality for the filtering of the Realm.


The snippet below shows how to include the RealmSearchView in your layout file.


The RealmSearchView can be with two attributes:

  • rsvHint: This is the search box hint. It a string reference.

  • rsvClearDrawable: This is for the clear drawable. It's a drawable reference.


The adapter does all the filtering. The following list of parameters are available to customize the filtering.

  • filterKey: The filterKey is required as it is the columnName that the results are filtered by.

  • useContains: If true, uses contains, otherwise uses beginsWith.

  • useCaseSensitive: If true, ensures that the filter is respecting casing. If false, ignores any casing.

  • sortAscending: If true, ascending, otherwise descending.

  • sortKey: The columnName by which the results should be sorted.

  • basePredicate: The basePredicate is used to filter the results whenever the searchBar is empty.

The RealmSearchAdapter has two constructors. One that only takes the filterKey parameter and one that takes all parameters. In addition, the adapter has to be provided with a valid instance of Realm. It is used throughout the life of view to requery the results.

##Feedback/More Features: I would love to hear your feedback. Do you find the RealmSearchView useful? What functionality are you missing? Open a Github issue and let me know. Thanks!


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Included dependencies are:
Realm (
realm-recyclerview (
In Example:
Jackson (
Butterknife (