RoboticsToolbox.jl copied to clipboard
Port of Peter Corke's Robotics Toolbox to Julia
Port of Peter Corke's Robotics Toolbox to Julia.
This work is unfinished.
These functions have been ported:
rot2, rotx, roty, rotz trot2, trotx, troty, trotz se2, se3 r2t, t2r rpy2r, rpy2t, rpy2jac, tr2rpy
Tentatively licensed under the GPLv3.
Julia 0.6.2.
Documenter.jl if you wish to generate documentation.
You will need to add the repo's src/ directory to the JULIA_LOAD_PATH environment variable. On Linux:
export JULIA_LOAD_PATH=$JULIA_LOAD_PATH:/path/to/RoboticsToolbox.jl/src
You can then make all ported functions available with:
using RoboticsToolbox.transform
See test/transform.jl for usage examples.
To run the tests (all passing currently) run the following from the top directory:
julia src/test/runtests.jl
Ensure that julia is the julia executable.
Requires Documenter.jl to generate docs (Pkg.add("Documenter") to install).
To generate documentation, ensure JULIA_LOAD_PATH is set up as above, then run:
julia docs/make.jl
Output will be in the docs/build directory, open index.html for the main page.