photon copied to clipboard
Thanks for your great library. I am using Photon Along with Stencil JS to give lighting to the custom 3D components. I am getting below issue.
ReferenceError: point is not defined at FirminCSSMatrix.setMatrixValue (awesome-3d.entry.js:371) at new FirminCSSMatrix (awesome-3d.entry.js:342) at Object.buildMatrix (awesome-3d.entry.js:88) at Photon.Face.getRotations (awesome-3d.entry.js:92) at new Photon.Face (awesome-3d.entry.js:91) at Awesome3DComponent.componentDidLoad (awesome-3d.entry.j
`face1: HTMLElement;
face2: HTMLElement;
face3: HTMLElement;
photonFace1; photonFace2; photonFace3;
constructor() {
componentDidLoad() { this.light = new (Photon as any).Light(); this.photonFace1 = new (Photon as any).Face(this.face1); this.photonFace2 = new (Photon as any).Face(this.face2); this.photonFace3 = new (Photon as any).Face(this.face3); }
componentDidUpdate() { console.log(this.photonFace1) this.photonFace1.render(this.light); this.photonFace2.render(this.light); this.photonFace3.render(this.light); }`
Hi I have found the problem , looks like many variables are not declared in minified js.
I have directly included in index.html , now no problem.
Is it possible to share typescript version of your library?