Thomas Suckow
Thomas Suckow
global got renamed to globalThis in the tc39 proposal Edit: For what it's worth: ```typescript interface Object { global: object; globalThis: object; } function polyfillGlobalThis ():object { if (typeof globalThis...
For what it's worth: ```scala @tailrec private def position(i: Int = 0, line: Int = 1, col: Int = 1): Position = if (i >= cursor) Position(i, line, col) else...
We have a requirement to apply css filters to the video dynamically from some sliders. Rather than trying to generate a style tag on the fly and manipulate it, it...
Ended up adding a styleTag and using `to-css` to manage generating the css from the object we would have applied to the style prop.
I havn't yet. Partially because I am not certain what I expected is correct, because it isn't what Firefox does either. And also because I am seeing some other behaviours...
I also see it having the wrong value for the local variable
Wondering if something like is what we are looking for.
When in browser at `` `fetch('todos')` queries `` so it is surprising when `useFetch('todos')` queries ``
I would claim you should only call addSlash if the thing before it isn't empty string. That way when you don't use provider it behaves like `fetch`. Since provider also...
`fetch("test")` no slash