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A particle simulation engine based on a port of d3-force
Wit new R Versions (>= 4.2.0), the method `apply_constraint.velocity_constraint` causes the warning: In min_constrained || max_constrained : 'length(x) = 13 > 1' in coercion to 'logical(1)' The cause is a...
Tried running the code on your readme page verbatim, and received the following error: `Error in layout_fun(graph, circular = circular, ...) : unused argument (node.position = as_tibble(gr))` Am I missing...
When I try to run examples presented in this README or its vignette, I get the following error. > Error: `data` must be uniquely named but has duplicate columns R...
Dear Thomas, congratulations for this wonderful package. I wanted to ask if I could use your package to simulate the movements of particles in liquids with different viscosity or diffusion...
Hi Thomas, hope you're good. I make generative art/animation (mostly in R) and I've been exploring your brilliant Particles library (inspired by your art) as I think there's massive potential...