Thomas Kole
Thomas Kole
I've done a bit more testing, and I think I'm getting closer to the solution: Let's focus only on the callback: ``` pipeline.Start(cfg, f => { Debug.Log(f.Profile.Format); }); ``` This...
After a few seconds the editor crashes. This is what's found in the Editor log: ``` ================================================================= Native Crash Reporting ================================================================= Got a UNKNOWN while executing native code. This usually...
I think the implication here is that the fault can be inside a DLL, and I suspect the realsense DLL to be at fault. When I don't enable the accelarometer,...
I'm using an identical marshal operation. My marhsal: `Vector3 v = Marshal.PtrToStructure(f.Data);` vs theirs: `var b = Marshal.PtrToStructure(accelFrame.Data);` But instead of using `WaitForFrames()`, I'm using a callback, as per your...
No, the current situation is that when a marshall is used, the application crashes after a few seconds. I've tested this on two PC's now, same result.
Thanks for confirming and relaying the information. Right now, this bug forms a serious problem in our production, as we are not able to use the IMU at all. Since...
Hi, are there any updates on this issue?
I would like to take a look at this method, but I can't get it to work. Could you upload the original scripts?