rusty-tesseract copied to clipboard
A Rust wrapper for Google Tesseract
A Rust wrapper for Google Tesseract
Add the following line to your Cargo.toml file:
rusty-tesseract = "1.0.0"
- Brings all relevant command-line tesseract functionality to Rust
- Based on the Python wrapper for tesseract (i.e.
- Enables testing a pre-trained tesseract model and outputting the results in different formats such as strings, bounding boxes, dicts, or dataframes.
1. Read Image
Create an Image object by specifying a path or alternatively an image array in (height, width, channel) format (similar to Python's numpy array for opencv). Note: Leave the Array3 parameter as is if you don't intend to use it.
let mut img = Image::new(
Array3::<u8>::zeros((100, 100, 3))
// alternatively instantiate directly:
let mut img = Image {
path: String::from("img/string.png"),
ndarray: Array3::<u8>::zeros((100, 100, 3)) // example: creates an 100x100 pixel image with 3 colour channels (RGB)
2. Set tesseract parameters
Set tesseract parameters using the Args struct.
let default_args = Args::new();
// the default parameters are
/* pub fn new() -> Args {
Args {
config: HashMap::new(),
lang: "eng",
out_filename: "out",
dpi: 150,
boxfile: false
// fill your own argument struct if needed
let mut my_args = Args {
out_filename: "out", // name of output_file
lang: "eng", // model language (tesseract default = 'eng')
config: HashMap::new(), // create empty hashmap to fill with command line parameters such as --psm or --oem (see tesseract --help-extra)
dpi: 150, // specify DPI for input image
boxfile: false // specify whether the output should be a bounding box or string output
image_to_string_args.config.insert("psm", "6"); // define page segmentation mode 6 (i.e. "Assume a single uniform block of text")
image_to_string_args.config.insert("oem", "3"); // define optical character recognition mode 3 (i.e. "Default, based on what is available")
3. Get the tesseract model output
Choose either string, bounding box or data output:
// string output
let output = rusty_tesseract::image_to_string(&img, my_args);
println!("The String output is: {:?}", output.Output_STRING);
// define bounding box parameters
let mut image_to_boxes_args = Args {
out_filename: "font_name.font.exp0",
lang: "eng",
config: HashMap::new(),
dpi: 150,
boxfile: true
image_to_boxes_args.config.insert("psm", "6");
image_to_boxes_args.config.insert("oem", "3");
// boxes printed in OUTPUT_DICT or OUTPUT_DATAFRAME format store the key as a string (i.e. the character) and
// store the value as a list of strings (if the same character occurs more than once)
let boxes = rusty_tesseract::image_to_boxes(&img, image_to_boxes_args);
println!("The Boxfile output is: {:?}", boxes.Output_DATAFRAME);
// image_to_data prints out both the "image_to_string()" and "image_to_boxes()" information + a creates a TSV table with confidences
let data = rusty_tesseract::image_to_data(&img, default_args);
println!("The data output is: {:?}", data.Output_DICT);
Get tesseract version
let tesseract_version = rusty_tesseract::get_tesseract_version();
println!("The tesseract version is: {:?}", tesseract_version);
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