Thomas Emter
Thomas Emter
Yes, an NTRIP client can only receive data via https. Serial and TCP connections need raw RTCM data. You may use a tool like (BKG Ntrip Client)[] to transfer NTRIP...
The mosaic provides multiple serial ports, which could be used. If that is not possible, you can use a send method in the communicator but you might have to implement...
Great :-) Out of interest, why don't you use ethernet via USB with the mosaic anymore (cf. issue #99)? USB provides two serial connections, i.e., it should be possible to...
Thank you for the clarification. I have not yet used any Septentrio receiver on Jetson, only on x86 as well and on a Raspberry Pi. So it might not be...
Hi @wvergouwenavular, you have no PVT yet, so there is nothing to correct. Can you please try again with view to the sky?
Hi @wvergouwenavular, great :-). You can see the uncertainties as the second values in the Position field. These are still too high for RTK but it usually takes a while...
The SBi does not report the bias corrected or estimated angular velocities. We would have to use raw IMU measurements what I would rather not do, since they might be...
Hi there, these packages are definitely available for ROS Galactic, see [here]( I also checked that they are available via apt right now. How did you install ROS Galactic? Are...
Hi @aFriendlyNoob, the driver was developed with latest generation of Septentrio receivers. The AsteRx-i D UAS has an older firmware and does not support all new features like velocity aiding....
You have to set `receiver_type: ins` to let the receiver work in INS mode. Then you can get the orientation from e.g. `insnavgeod` or in the `imu` topic. You also...