Thomas Champagne

Results 49 comments of Thomas Champagne

- [ ] Showing in the activity feed with group rides.

@praveentiru Very nice ! Great job ! I merged your code via pull request into a **feature/10** on my repo. I try to support french at the moment. I did't...

@praveentiru Indeed, i didn't need to override all keys in french if no translations root file should do the work :) Just copy past file :) Hihi ^^^ **FYI** Here...

@praveentiru > You will see that rest of UI will reflect the strings in root.json. This way it is much more efficient and translator can work on adding one section...

@praveentiru - I'm getting this error with last PR. I'm searching for understand and fixing now ``` globalize.js:105 Uncaught Error: E_MISSING_MESSAGE_BUNDLE: Missing message bundle for locale `en-US`. ``` - We...

To all: understood. I'll find a way to push that

This will come in a new product ;) On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 2:17 PM jencvo wrote: > Any update on this? I prefer Elevate over all other tools...

Yes same ! A M1 arm version would be awesome. Ask for help if you need anything (test, build, etc...)

> For those of you watching this issue, you may be interested to know I recently acquired an M1 MacBook. Great news !!!!!

It sucks. You can't develop without a developer account first? I also bought a M1 for a cross-platform Electron app I develop for this target: I didn't applied to...