Thoba Lose
Thoba Lose
Looking forward to this! Thanks @bschaatsbergen 🥇
I though I'd link this issue as I see this error from Galaxy.
@apetkau Thank you very much for the timely response. WRT: `confil`; at the moment, you can install it using `conda install -c thoba confil ` or by adding the channel...
@apetkau Confirmed! Removing `confil` in the workflow works. We now need to figure out why. Thank you.
@apetkau That is very interesting to hear wrt `Filter empty` tool and we need it filter output from `confil`. :crying_cat_face: I also suspected blend4j as the cause of the API...
@jexp Yes, that would be great. Spelling the out works well if you have a few nodes.