electron-wrap icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
electron-wrap copied to clipboard

Package any local/static website folder into a desktop application (electron/macOS).


Package any local/static website folder (typically a /public) into a desktop application, electron/macOS. The process requires Node/npm installed on your machine.

To do so, cd to the folder that contains the files, and run:

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thmsbfft/electron-wrap/master/wrap.sh)

The script will ask for a name and a window size for the app. After that, the script will:

Download package.json and index.js from this repository

Install the dependencies (electron, express to serve the files)

Package the folder into an Electron executable

Cleanup the files it downloaded + node_modules/

Useful for prototyping, presenting, or for simple offline stuff.