browserify-markdown-editor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
browserify-markdown-editor copied to clipboard

A demo showing how to build a markdown editor with browserify and marked.



A demo showing how to build a markdown editor with browserify and marked.

You can play with the finished product, it may even prove useful ;)

var a = 3;
console.log('Nice demo!');


npm install thlorenz/browserify-markdown-editor

How to use this demo

I created a tag for every major step numbered in order, so you can checkout each tag and look at the code.

  • review all tags and what changed from one to the next in the Changelog

  • list all tags: git tag -n

  • checking out a tag example: git checkout 003-static-server

Playing with the code:

  • after checking out a new tag do npm install in order to update added dependencies
  • up til tag 003-static-server:
    • browserify main.js > bundle.js
    • then open index.html in the browser
  • then just node index and for the later part npm start will also work

Note that you can inspect each file separately as long as you enable source maps in your browser, find more information about browserify sourcemaps here
