OpenMMLab-IoUNet icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
OpenMMLab-IoUNet copied to clipboard


In this project I reproduce IoUNet based on MMDetection.

This is NOT the official implementation! As far as I know, authors of IoUNet have not released code for the model. But they do have released the code for the novel PreciseRoIPooling method they proposed in the paper.

This implementation achieves the same accuracy as reported in the paper, quick peek at some details:

The paper: improved the R50 baseline by 1.7 AP.

This implementation: improved the R50 baseline by 1.7 AP.


  • by replacing the original SmoothL1Loss with BCE loss, we gain another 0.3 AP.
  • by changing update step lambda from 0.5 to 2.0, we gain another 0.1 AP.
  • by multiplying classification score with IoU score in IoU-guided NMS, we gain another 0.3 AP.
  • so in total we improved our baseline by 2.4 AP, reaching AP 40.0.


PreciseRoIPooling: it is a novel RoI pooling method proposed by the paper, they did release the CUDA implementation here. So I directly use their implementation. To my best knowledge, this is the only code released.

RoI Generation: in the paper, they generate RoIs to train IoUNet instead of using RPN's proposals. But they didn't say much about the generating process except for the fact that RoIs are IoU-balanced. Here is what I did, I create sufficient amount of deltas in each IoU category during initialization and sample a subset on each IoU category during training. Then I apply sampled delta to GT bboxes to generate IoU-balanced RoIs. I uniformly sample 1000 RoIs per image.

For the rest, I closely follow the paper.

Code: all the code is at mmdet/iounet.


MMDetection: this project is based on MMDetection v2.14.0.

MMCV: version v1.3.8

Dataset: coco_train_2017(117k) as training dataset and coco_val_2017(5k) as testing dataset. All the results are reported on coco_val_2017.

Baseline: The paper compared their methods on FasterRCNN, MaskRCNN and CascadeRCNN. Here I only focus on FasterRCNN due to limited computing resource. In the paper, they report their implementation of FasterRCNN to have AP=36.4, which is lower than what's reported by MMDetection(37.4). For fair comparison, I retrained FasterRCNN( on my machine and use it as the baseline(37.6). And I primarily compare the relative improvement instead of the absolute AP.

Results reported in the paper:

AP AP50 AP60 AP70 AP80 AP90
FasterRCNN 36.4 58.0 53.1 44.9 31.2 9.8
FasterRCNN+IoUNet 38.1 56.3 52.4 46.3 35.1 15.5
Improvement +1.7 -1.7 -0.7 +1.4 +3.9 +5.7

Results by this implementation:

AP AP50 AP60 AP70 AP80 AP90
FasterRCNN_retrained 37.6 58.4 54.1 46.6 33.2 11.2
FasterRCNN+IoUNet 39.3 57.6 53.2 47.0 37.0 17.5
Improvement +1.7 -0.8 -0.9 +0.4 +3.8 +6.3

Log and model:

backbone Lr schd bbox AP Config Log Model GPUs
FasterRCNN_retrained R-50-FPN 1x 37.6 config log baidu [wuef] 2
FasterRCNN+IoUNet R-50-FPN 1x 39.3 config log baidu [evrp] 2

AP in the log: it is 39.2 in the log, later I get 39.3 by fixing a bug in inference code.


This is not part of the reproduce.

The paper uses SmoothL1Loss to estimate IoU prediction error, we replace it with BCE loss and gain another 0.3 AP:

AP AP50 AP60 AP70 AP80 AP90
FasterRCNN_retrained 37.6 58.4 54.1 46.6 33.2 11.2
FasterRCNN+IoUNet_BCE 39.6 58.0 53.5 46.9 37.2 18.3
Improvement +2.0 -0.4 -0.6 +0.3 +4.0 +7.1

Log and model:

backbone Lr schd bbox AP Config Log Model GPUs
FasterRCNN+IoUNet_BCE R-50-FPN 1x 39.6 config log baidu [8kt9] 2

Update: 2021/0821 - 2021/0826


  • remove SimpleGFLLoss, use mmdet's CrossEntropyLoss instead because we are only using BCE loss.
  • all code are still at mmdet/iounet , but I refactored the code so that adding IoUNet to mmdet is as easy as copy-and-paste.
  • batched_iou_nms now uses mmcv.ops.nms as backend.
  • use torch.autograd.grad to backprop gradient during inference instead of calling backward(), since by default parameters still requires grad during inference.

More Experiments

Here are some of the other trainings I have tried:

  • The paper has not mentioned the loss weight they use to train IoU head. I use 5.0 in my main model and also tried 10.0 and AP has dropped by 0.3.
  • The paper has not mentioned how they generate RoIs to train IoU head. First I tried fixed number of RoIs per IoU per GT and allow at most 1000 RoIs per image. Later I tried fixed number of RoIs per image and every GT gets the same number of IoU-balanced RoIs. Those two strategies have similar results as shown in the following table:
loss_weight roi_generate AP AP50 AP75
5.0 per_iou=30 39.1 57.7 42.0
5.0 per_iou=50 39.2 57.8 42.3
10.0 per_iou=50 38.9 57.2 42.2
5.0 per_img=1000 39.3 57.6 42.2

Ablation Study

The paper compares the contribution of IoU-guided NMS and Optimization-based Refinement, the two main algorithms proposed by the paper. Here is the comparison of my implementation:

model paper this_impl
FasterRCNN 36.4 37.6
IoUNet_RCNN 37.0 37.8
+ IoU-guided NMS 37.6 38.7
+ Refine 38.1 39.3

IoUNet_RCNN means turning IoUNet off during inference.

Further Improvements

Lambda=0.5 is too small: lambda is the optimization step in Optimized-based Refinement. The paper uses 0.5 but I tried bigger value and gained good performance increase across all the 4 experiments mentioned above.


From above chart we see lambda is optimal around 2.0 for all 4 experiments.

Improve IoU-guided NMS: in IoU-guided NMS, bboxes are sorted by predicted IoU score. I found that by multiplying IoU score with classification score, we gain further performance increase in all 4 experiments.

model lambda official multiply by cls_score
max1000_lw10.0_periou50 2.0 39.1 39.6
max1000_lw5.0_periou30 2.0 39.3 39.6
max1000_lw5.0_periou50 2.0 39.3 39.5
samp1000_lw5.0 2.0 39.4 39.5

The final improved version: previously I showed that using BCE loss is better. Now let's combine above two improvements with BCE loss to push the performance further.

model AP Imprv
FasterRCNN 37.6 NA
IoUNet_first_version 39.3 +1.7
+ BCE loss 39.6 +2.0
+ lambda=2.0 39.7 +2.1
+ new iou_nms 40.0 +2.4

The config for the improved version can be found here.

Inference Speed

All the following tests are done in a RTX 2080 ti GPU with batch_size=1.

model FPS Latency(ms) AP
FasterRCNN 20 50.00 0.376
IoUNet_RCNN 18.9 52.91 0.378
+ IoU-guided NMS 16.1 62.11 0.387
replace with regular NMS 16.3 61.35 0.377
+ Refine 11.8 84.75 0.393


  • In IoUNet_RCNN, IoUNet part is turned off, the only difference from FasterRCNN is RoI pooling method. I use PrRoIPool for RCNN too, which means PrRoIPool costs 2.9 ms more than traditional RoIAlign.
  • By adding IoU-guided NMS, we add 9.2 ms to latency. Note that this is not solely caused by IoU-guided NMS. A PrRoIPool and a iou_head forward are also applied in order to calculate iou_score, in order to guide NMS.
  • By replacing IoU-guided NMS with regular NMS, latency decreases by 0.8 ms. This means IoU-guided NMS costs 0.7 ms more than regular NMS in this context.
  • By adding Optimization-based Refine we add 22.6 ms to the latency. During refinement up to 5 forward and backward data passes are performed to gradually refine RoI. However this still seems a little too high, I speculate that there is room to improve.


You can train and inference the model like any other models in MMDetection, see docs for details.

You probably need Ninja in order to use ReciseRoIPooling.


Acquisition of Localization Confidence for Accurate Object Detection

