
Results 19 issues of thinsoldier

Could we get a version of formalize with minimum button styles? I spent most of my morning trying to un-style formalized submit buttons so I could re-style them to match...

Testing with a bunch of gltf files downloaded from sketchfab. Only worked with about half of them and no textures shown in any of them.

I get endless console.log "Loading jQuery" messages. The script element for // gets successfully added to the end of my But the line in that file: window.jQuery || document.write(''); doesn't...

The #1 thing people just starting out ask me is if it matters exactly where the ; and { and ( are placed. In reality it doesn't. But in jsdares...

Would you be willing to share your version of The White Room by Jay Hardy and the Classroom demo scene? I've been playing with those scenes recently using your advice...

Feature Request: Ability to snapshot World asset previews from camera view.

I still haven't found it. Luckily I had a .htaccess file on my desktop from a few months ago when I was supposed to try out munee but got sidetracked. Doesn't work in chrome anymore. Seems to load and display the waveforms of dropped mp3 files properly but doesn't make any sound.

I was able to install it in 2.79 but it does not appear in the import menu. I can only see the option to export as .x file.