same problem with Google Colab:(
You need to create a directory named 'slices' at the same directory where the code below will work. ```python import glob, os import image_slicer os.chdir("./") for file in glob.glob("*.png"): image_slicer.slice(file,...
So, is there a solution to use enum popup at runtime?
I have confronted with the exactly same error and couldnt find any solution.
@DambronOlivier, could you share the link of grasshopper file, or please just pm for it ([email protected]). I am interested in reviewing the heat transfer issue. I have a friend who...
@MaxMarschall there is something wrong with temparture probe values, so I just created a standart wall boundary for heat source and give it 300 degree C to see if it...
I couldnt excatly understand the problem, but I have solved the problem with temp. probe values. I just replaced the weird numbers (100000000000000000000...) with 300 degree(temp. of the heat source)...
I am exactly agree with you on aiming at improvements of postprocessing, its very clear actually. But I didnt find reasonable the idea that there is an existing tool and...
Cutplane Tool : currently works for xy and yz planes (seperate comp.), user assigns a value between 0-100 (means start and end of the domain in percentage) with slider, and...
I am exactly agree on that. Lets make the release first, then BF will be get improved with newer integrated postprocessing capabilities like streamline, contour maps, isosurface etc. Besides flow...