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Trying to use api to send the RPC command and getting the server_side_rpc_handler error.[HELP]
Describe the issue
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We are trying to change the value Feedback_Source_Select via the api
Sometimes we are getting the 408 Timeout request
Sometimes we are getting the 409 Conflict
After restarting thingsboard it is okay.
Can you please help us understand why we are unable to send RPC requests successfully?
Configuration (Attach your configuration file) Notate: Remove Access token from file if you want to attach a tb_gateway.yaml config.txt
Connector name (If you need help with some connector/converter): [e.g. MQTT Connector]
Error traceback (If it was raised):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thingsboard_gateway/connectors/modbus/", line 652, in server_side_rpc_handler
device = ModbusConnector.__get_device_by_name(server_rpc_request[DEVICE_SECTION_PARAMETER],
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thingsboard_gateway/connectors/modbus/", line 763, in __get_device_by_name
return tuple(filter(lambda slave: slave.device_name == device_name, devices))[0]
Versions (please complete the following information):
- OS: [Debian 11]
- Thingsboard IoT Gateway version [3.5.1]
- Python version [Python 3.10.12]