
Results 181 comments of Thim

Idea: Would a good approach be to generate "basic" tests, that can be defined in a config file? Another option could be to have a config option and this this...

I started on a PR for generating basic tests. I'll make the generation configurable.

I think I added the feature in my PR #225 Feel free to review the proposal and give feedback. The feature proposal contains 2 implementations: 1) Provide the option to...

For your information, the test functionality is being used in an CI pipeline and it works great for contract testing via Postman. The flow is defined as following: 1) OpenApi...

@daraul @pauloallex24 @9fingerdev @abhijitkane I'm looking for some feedback on the PR proposal. Check for details and some screenshots. Any input or +1 is welcome, so I know i'm...

Added additional options for the test suite generation: Provided a new option to overwrite/extend the Postman Request body, Query params & Path Variables as part of the Testsuite generation. An...

Added additional options to provide the option to define pm.environment variables for automation, by assigning values from the response. Automatically a pm.environment variable for the POST response will be provided....

@CleverCoder Thanks for the input, I appreciate it. With regards to the request headers and the clubbering: There was an issue with integer conversion, which is solved in a commit...

@CleverCoder A short update, I have added the "operation" matching capability (with wildcard support): (which I'll include in my PR after some more testing) next to a number of...

UPDATE: I concluded that the PR functionality does not really belong in openapi-to-postman, because this package is focussed on converting OpenAPI to Postman (and does excellent job). Together with [Nick](