your-year-in-code icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
your-year-in-code copied to clipboard

Like Spotify rewind, but for Github!

Your Year In Code

Your year in code is a web app that shows you fun and interesting analytics based on your Github contributions over the past year.

Running Locally

If you want to run the application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have yarn installed
  2. Clone or fork this repository
  3. Add the following line to the /etc/hosts file: ::1 (this makes point to localhost)
  4. Create a new Github OAuth app by going to your Settings > Developer settings > OAuth Apps > New OAuth App
    1. Set the redirect URL to, this will make Github redirect to that URL after the user has logged in
  5. Copy the client ID and secret to some place safe
  6. Replace the githubClientID value at src/routes/+page.svelte:78 with your new client ID value
  7. Comment out the url variable at src/lib/github/exchange_github_oauth_token_for_access_token.ts:8 and uncomment lines 10 to 12
  8. Set your githubClientID and githubClientSecret values
  9. Start the app by running yarn dev, and navigate to
  10. Use the app as normal, and enjoy!