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(Code) Multi-objective Sparrow Search Optimization for Task Scheduling in Fog-Cloud-Blockchain Systems
The implementation for paper IoTs Fog-Cloud combining with Blockchain technology
Multi-objective Sparrow Search Optimization For Task Scheduling in Fog-Cloud Incorporate Blockchain Network
How to run
1. main_single_objective.py
- For single objective only
2. test_nsga_ii.py
- For pareto-front (multi-objective)
3. data_generator.py
- Generate fog-cloud-blockchain architecture.
4. config.py
- Config for the whole project
- Cloud latency stats:
- Cloud cost stats:
Computation: 0.07$ - 1 hour - 2GB RAM
==> 1s -> 3600 * 2 * 1000 000 000 = 7200 000 000 000 - 0.07$
==> 1 Byte: 9.7e-15$
Storage: 0.07$ - 1 month - 1GB Disk
==> 1s -> 30 * 86400 * 1000 000 000 = 2592 000 000 000 000 - 0.07$
==> 1 Byte: 2.7e-17
- punishment function: based on time-delay of each single task
fx = 0 if delay_time < 0
= delay_time if 0 < delay_time < 1
= (delay_time**2 + 1)/2
- Inverse-time function: based on living-time (tau) of data in fog
- The function in NCA paper is exponential of 2*(t-j). It is not a good way in computing especially with large tasks
and small fogs. (For example: 1000 tasks - 10 fogs --> some fogs with 2**100 will appear.
fx = 1 / ((t-j)**2 + 1)
- A framework to simulate cloud-fog in Python, but in their examples there is no examples of how fog-cloud simulation
is carry out.
- Some citing papers:
+ #tasks is small and each task with small size:
+ Figure the request from end user to fog-cloud:
+ Priority task in scheduling algorithm
- Fog-Cloud-Peer nodes:
+) 3f-1: 2-fog, 8-cloud, 5-peer
+) 3f+1: 4-fog, 10-cloud, 7-peer
- Testing with 1000 tasks: (Assumption with 2 clouds, 8 fogs and 5 peers) (3f-1)
+ Number of variables (dimensions) = (2+8)*1000 = 10000 --> Can't do with Metaheuristic Algorithms
+ 1 epoch: 400 - 500 seconds ----> 1000 epochs: 400000 - 500000 seconds --> 1 Algorithm with 1 trial: 4-6 days
--> So maximum tasks should be: 500 or less
- Testing with 500 tasks
+ #dim = 10 * 500 = 5000
+ 1 epoch: 50 - 100 seconds ---> 1000 epochs: 50000 - 100000 seconds --> 1 Algo with 1 trial: 14-hour to 28 hours
Install Environment
conda create -n ai python==3.8.5
conda install numpy
conda install pandas
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
conda install -c anaconda scikit-learn