vue-svg-sprite copied to clipboard
icons path error.not show icons on live demo server only (work fine on local)
our code example here:
main.ts file : import { svgSpritePlugin } from 'vue-svg-sprite'; app.use(svgSpritePlugin, { /* Don't try to uncomment following url code and customize it.if you are customize url then it will take routes path and it create svg path errors*/ // url: '', class: 'pc-icon' });
local components file code import { SvgSprite } from 'vue-svg-sprite'; <SvgSprite symbol="custom-logout-1" />
our dynamic code: <SvgSprite :symbol="item.icon || ''" class="mr-2" style="width: 16px; height: 16px" />
also try to set path but still i am getting same error only some pages icons not display because of routes