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Framework in C # to create bots for Facebook Messenger Platform

Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform (1.5.0)

Updates Facebook July 1st, 2016

Update documentation soon

Framework in C # to create bots for Facebook Messenger Platform

See how your bot can use our platform to have rich conversations with people on Messenger

Messenger Platform Introducing new tools to help you build your bot and reach 900 million people around the world

More Details About Messenger Platform


  • WebHooks Verification
  • WebHooks Post
  • Get User Profile
  • Set Welcome Message
  • Send Basic Message
  • Send Image Message
  • Send Button Message
  • Send Generic Message
  • Send Receipt Message

Creating Controller for WebHook

    using System.Net.Http;   
    using Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.WebHooks;

    public class FacebookController : Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.WebHooks.WebHooksController

WebHook Verification

    using System.Net.Http;   
    using Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.WebHooks;

    public override HttpResponseMessage Get([System.Web.Http.FromUriAttribute] Hub hub)
        //Add in appSettings <add key="Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.VerifyToken" value="{VerifyToken}" />
        return base.Get(hub);

WebHook Post

    using System.Net.Http;   
    using Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.WebHooks;

    public override HttpResponseMessage Post([System.Web.Http.FromBodyAttribute] Callback value)
        foreach(Entry entry in value.Entry)
            foreach(Messaging messaging in entry.Messaging)
                if(messaging.Delivery != null)
                    //Confirmation Delivery
                else if (messaging.Message != null)
                    //User Send Message
                else if (messaging.Optin != null)
                    //User Call "Message Us" 
                else if (messaging.PostBack != null)
                    //User Button Click PostBack
        return base.Post(value);

User Profile

    using Facebook;
    using Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.Client;

    static async Task UserProfile()
        FacebookClient client = new FacebookClient(_config.PageAccessToken);
        var userProfile = await client.UserProfile("{userid}");

Set Welcome Message

    using Facebook;
    using Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.Client;

    static async Task SetWelcomeMessage()
        FacebookClient client = new FacebookClient(_config.PageAccessToken);
        var result = await client.WelcomeMessage(new ThreadSettings()
            call_to_actions = new List<CallToAction>()
                new CallToAction()
                    message = new Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.Client.Message()
                        attachment = new Attachment()
                            type = "template",
                            payload = new GenericPayloadTemplate()
                                elements = new List<GenericElement>()
                                    new GenericElement()
                                        title = "Welcome to My Company!",
                                        item_url = "",
                                        image_url = "",
                                        subtitle = "We have the right hat for everyone.",
                                        buttons = new List<Button>()
                                            new Button()
                                                type = "web_url",
                                                url = "",
                                                title = "View Website"
                                            new Button()
                                                type = "postback",
                                                payload = "DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD",
                                                title = "Start Chatting"

Send Basic Message

    using Facebook;
    using Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.Client;

    static async Task SendBasicMessage()
        FacebookClient client = new FacebookClient(_config.PageAccessToken);
        var result = await client.SendMessage(new Send()
            recipient = new Recipient()
                id = "{userid}"
            message = new Message()
                text = "hello, world!"

Send Image Message

    using Facebook;
    using Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.Client;
    static async Task SendImageMessage()
        FacebookClient client = new FacebookClient(_config.PageAccessToken);
        var result = await client.SendMessage(new Send()
            recipient = new Recipient()
                id = "{userid}"
            message = new Message()
                attachment = new Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.Client.Attachment()
                    type = "image",
                    payload = new ImagePayload()
                        url = ""

Send Button Message

    using Facebook;
    using Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.Client;
    static async Task SendButtonMessage()
        FacebookClient client = new FacebookClient(_config.PageAccessToken);
        var result = await client.SendMessage(new Send()
            recipient = new Recipient()
                id = "{userid}"
            message = new Message()
                attachment = new Attachment()
                    type = "template",
                    payload = new ButtonPayloadTemplate()
                        text = "What do you want to do next?",
                        buttons = new List<Button>()
                        new Button()
                            type = "web_url",
                            url = "",
                            title = "Show Website"
                        new Button()
                            type = "postback",
                            payload = "USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD",
                            title = "Start Chatting"

Send Generic Message

    using Facebook;
    using Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.Client;
    static async Task SendGenericMessage()
        FacebookClient client = new FacebookClient(_config.PageAccessToken);
        var result = await client.SendMessage(new Send()
            recipient = new Recipient()
                id = "{userid}"
            message = new Message()
                attachment = new Attachment()
                    type = "template",
                    payload = new GenericPayloadTemplate()
                        elements = new List<GenericElement>()
                            new GenericElement()
                                title = "Classic White T-Shirt",
                                image_url = "",
                                subtitle = "Soft white cotton t-shirt is back in style",
                                buttons = new List<Button>()
                                    new Button()
                                        type = "web_url",
                                        url = "",
                                        title = "View Item"
                                    new Button()
                                        type = "web_url",
                                        url = "",
                                        title = "Buy Item"
                                    new Button()
                                        type = "postback",
                                        payload = "USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD_FOR_ITEM100",
                                        title = "Bookmark Item"
                            new GenericElement()
                                title = "Classic Grey T-Shirt",
                                image_url = "",
                                subtitle = "Soft gray cotton t-shirt is back in style",
                                buttons = new List<Button>()
                                    new Button()
                                        type = "web_url",
                                        url = "",
                                        title = "View Item"
                                    new Button()
                                        type = "web_url",
                                        url = "",
                                        title = "Buy Item"
                                    new Button()
                                        type = "postback",
                                        payload = "USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD_FOR_ITEM101",
                                        title = "Bookmark Item"

Send Receipt Message

    using Facebook;
    using Deadlock.FBMessengerPlatform.Client;
    static async Task SendReceiptMessage()
        FacebookClient client = new FacebookClient(_config.PageAccessToken);
        var result = await client.SendMessage(new Send()
            recipient = new Recipient()
                id = "{userid}"
            message = new Message()
                attachment = new Attachment()
                    type = "template",
                    payload = new ReceiptPayloadTemplate()
                        recipient_name = "Stephane Crozatier",
                        order_number = "12345678902",
                        currency = "USD",
                        payment_method = "Visa 2345",
                        order_url = "",
                        timestamp = "1428444852",
                        elements = new List<ReceiptElement>()
                            new ReceiptElement()
                                title = "Classic White T-Shirt",
                                subtitle = "100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton",
                                quantity = 2,
                                price = 50,
                                currency = "USD",
                                image_url = ""
                            new ReceiptElement()
                                title = "Classic Gray T-Shirt",
                                subtitle = "100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton",
                                quantity = 1,
                                price = 25,
                                currency = "USD",
                                image_url = ""
                            address = new Address()
                                street_1 = "1 Hacker Way",
                                city = "Menlo Park",
                                postal_code = "94025",
                                state = "CA",
                                country = "US"
                            summary = new Summary()
                                subtotal = 75.00m,
                                shipping_cost = 4.95m,
                                total_tax = 6.19m,
                                total_cost = 56.14m
                            adjustments = new List<Adjustment>()
                            new Adjustment()
                                name = "New Customer Discount",
                                amount = 20
                            new Adjustment()
                                name = "$10 Off Coupon",
                                amount = 10