Results 36 issues of Thomas Heller

``` :builds {:dev {:target :browser :output-dir "public/js" :asset-path "/js" :devtools {:autoload true :http-root "public" :http-port 3000}} :dev1 {:target :browser :output-dir "public/js" :asset-path "/js" :devtools {:autoload true :http-root "public" :http-port 3000}}...

Note: **THIS IS NOT ABOUT GraalVM**. I recently explored using the [GraalJS script-engine]( as a replacement for the few bits of JS that shadow-cljs currently uses Nashorn for. Nashorn is...

Should be able to detect that at runtime. Output is horrid otherwise. ``` ------ WARNING #1 - :undeclared-var -------------------------------------------- File: C:\Users\thheller\code\tmp\shadow-0-compiled\src\workshop\client.cljs:4:27 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  1 | (ns workshop.client)  2 |...

Seems like code required at the REPL is not available properly. Might be scoping issue.

Output isn't properly forwarded to the actual `watch` output. 2 Terminals ``` shadow-cljs server shadow-cljs watch test-node ``` `server` process will print the output.

ES6 is transformed by `babel` which generates source maps but those are not used. They should be used as input source maps when running the converted file through `:simple` so...

Projects created via `npx create-cljs-app` and up using shadow-cljs version `2.10.22`, which at this point is rather outdated. In addition it also fails to run with the latest `cider-nrepl` dependency...

On an example is listed for `package/other-prefix/deep/file.js` supposed to resolve to `.../package/yet-another/deep/file/deep/file.js` using the ` "./other-prefix/*": "./yet-another/*/*.js"`. This appears to be incorrect (at least `enhanced-resolve` fails to resolve this...

Using `Build #IC-221.5080.210, built on April 12, 2022` with Cursive. This has been bugging me for quite a while, so can't say when this was introduced (or if it was...

``` $ clj -Asuitable 2019-10-08 01:06:51.710:INFO::main: Logging initialized @4424ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog [Figwheel] Compiling build dev to "target/public/cljs-out/dev-main.js" ... [Rebel readline] Type :repl/help for online help info Opening URL http://localhost:9500 Failed...