ui-sortable-multiselection copied to clipboard
Provide multiple element sorting in UI-Sortable
Provide multiple element sorting in UI-Sortable
Simple Demo pen with selection count
ui.item.sortableMultiSelect API documentation
Allow multi-selection on click
For better touch device support, use the option 'multiSelectOnClick'. This will allow click/tap to select and deselect individual items instead of requiring a modifier key to be held down.
Example usage:
// set the sortable options
$scope.sortableOptions = uiSortableMultiSelectionMethods.extendOptions({
'multiSelectOnClick': true,
start: function() {
// ...
stop: function() {
// ...
<ul class="sortable-list" ui-sortable="sortableOptions" ng-model="items">
<li ng-repeat="item in items" class="sortable-item" ui-sortable-selectable>
<div class="sortable-item__inner">{item.name}</div>
The ui
argument of the available callbacks gets enriched with some extra properties as specified below:
Type: Array<Integer>
Holds the original indexes of the items dragged.
Type: Array<Object> /undefined
Holds the JavaScript objects that is used as the model of the dragged items, as specified by the ng-repeat of the source
ui-sortable element and the ui.item.sortableMultiSelect.selectedIndexes
Type: Array<Integer>
Holds the original indexes of the sibling items dragged.
Type: Array<Object>
Holds the JavaScript objects that is used as the model of the siblings of the dragged item, as specified by the ng-repeat of the source
ui-sortable element and the ui.item.sortableMultiSelect.indexes
Type: Object /undefined
Holds the models of the dragged sibling items only when a sorting happens between two connected ui-sortable elements.
Type: jQuery
Holds the ui-sortable element that the dragged item originated from.