blackeye-im copied to clipboard
Link not showing
It is not showing the link Send this link to victim :
Pls help
Check issues section thoroughly.
Send Link to victim not showing 🥺
5 days back it was generating link but now it stopped .no link is being generated .i tried many things ,again installing authentication token but no response.i found out the same issue is with camphissh also .
same no link appears plz help me
why do all these builds stop having a working link?!?!?
exactly every tool which was using ngrok for porting is not working .camphissh,blackeye,shellphishh,advphishh,zphisher,storm breaker .all stopped working .i guess something wrong with ngrok only .
I guess, the one time I decide to try something that should take 20 minutes I waste 2 hours on it with no result...
I guess, the one time I decide to try something that should take 20 minutes I waste 2 hours on it with no result...
anything else u tried in place of this work at me work at me it generated link with ngrok but tunnel no found error is coming ,and other methods are working over the local network only
Same issue here.. there's any way to associate my own ngrok account to blackeye?
The issue has been fixed.
Send Link to victim not showing pleading_face
There is a fixed version if you still having problems.
git clone
It works for someone because I can not get a link yet ?
Failed to complete tunnel connection how fix it ?
blackeye tool isnt generating any link to send to the me please
Blackeye not generating the link , can anyone give the exact reason plz ?
Hello everyone, i also have the same problem. Is there any solution? Thanks + regards
Hello, Try connecting your ngrok auth token with blackeye.v2. To do this first make an account in ngrok and then find your auth token within the dashboard. To connect it start by cd Blackeye-V2 and then type ./ngrok authtoken "your authtoken" . Use this to get Blackeye.V2 git clone I hope this helps!,
Hello, Try connecting your ngrok auth token with blackeye.v2. To do this first make an account in ngrok and then find your auth token within the dashboard. To connect it start by cd Blackeye-V2 and then type ./ngrok authtoken "your authtoken" . Use this to get Blackeye.V2 git clone I hope this helps!,
Doesn't work for me, did it work for anyone else?
zphisher works for me (instagram tested)
pls help
Hello everyone, i also have the same problem. Is there any solution? Thanks + regards
Use Zphisher instead
pls help
Use zphisher instead, i tested and still working for me till now
have you tried going to it generates links there, if that didn't work then run ./gnrok http 80 and it should be next to web interface
git clone Guys pls how do we launch this, version of blackeye?? work at me it generated link with ngrok but tunnel no found error is coming ,and other methods are working over the local network only
U should creat a ngrok acxount then install them and connect your account
yes i can run . i have this message "zsh: permission non accordée: ./ ". someone have the solution pls
blackeye tool isnt generating any link to send to the me please
Use Localtunnel
Failed to complete tunnel connection
how fix it ?
Restart app and Cd blackeye-im Bash Choose your desired app or website and use local tunnel