Damian Tarnawski
Damian Tarnawski
I still have to find a good solution to implement in the library, but this might be a good temporary workaround: https://stackblitz.com/edit/transition-group-out-in-onmount?file=src%2FApp.tsx ```tsx let onBeforeEnter: VoidFunction | undefined; onBeforeEnter!()}> {untrack(()...
Ok this is interesting When you change the import to `from "solid-transition-group@beta"` instead, everything works. Even though `@latest` and `@beta` are at this time exactly the same. The only difference...
I may not understand exactly what's necessary here, but isn't it already possible to achieve similar outcomes already? https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-yjvhnz?file=src/App.tsx There are probably better ways to accomplish it than what I've...
Ok, I think I understand the issue now. And yeah, my solution wouldn't scale too much. Adding this to the package would be the way to go, and it shouldn't...
Why accessor? props can be getters
hmm I'm not sure I understand the issue From what I see the `` component doesn't render any elements on it's own — it only passes through the elements passed...
Ok, that sounds like a reasonable feature request. It would be probably very easy to add too. Just appending the default class to the ones added on enter. So if...
Hey, I was going to add this now, and I realized that it's not that simple. The classes are applied as a transition mechanism. They are not being applied the...
Duplicate of https://github.com/solidjs/solid-site/issues/385 I guess (although this was first? - better to keep convo in one place)
Duplicate of https://github.com/solidjs/solid-site/issues/385