Petrus Theron
Petrus Theron
Hey Anatoly. Mount looks pretty cool - I like the idea of using the build system to handle dependencies instead of reimplementing the dependency graph. Been using boot-clj, system.component and...
The example given in README for bidi-ring/->ResourceMaybe does not seem to match any subpath as explained, e.g.: ``` (def routes ["/" {"" :home "js" #?(:clj (bidi-ring/->ResourcesMaybe {:prefix "js/"}) :cljs :server-fetch)...
Coming from Secretary, I'd like to use a prefix for my routing for development. Is this possible with Bidi?
How do I instruct cargo watch to exclude folders? Doesn't seem to be supported so far, by the looks of `cargo watch --help | grep exclude`.
### Issue: Is it possible to add a ClojureScript library that I've compiled or that is hosted on Clojars? Some libraries like `cljs.spec.alpha` seem to be available via `(require '[...])`,...
I want to broadcast a very low bitrate of 16-32 bits per second for source identification (as opposed to large data transmission), ideally continually, while staying as inaudible as possible....
What is the licence for this project?
Would love to have `:kebab-case => "Kebab Case"` for display purposes.
``` $> go get -u # ../../go/src/ base32.HexEncoding.WithPadding undefined (type *base32.Encoding has no field or method WithPadding) ../../go/src/ undefined: base32.NoPadding ../../go/src/ undefined: strings.Builder ../../go/src/ undefined: strings.Builder ../../go/src/ undefined:...
How can I pass QuiteModemKit a buffer of pre-recorded samples for demodulation, or samples from a sound file that may have been recorded at an earlier time? I'm already recording...