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Dump PDB Symbols including support for Bochs Debugging Format (with wine support)
Dump PDB Symbols including support for Bochs Debugging Format (with wine support)
If you need download symbol from a file use this project:
- https://github.com/Biswa96/PDBDownloader
Example of use on wine:
wine PDBDownloader.exe advapi32.dll
Example with ntkrnlpa loaded in Bochs at 0x804D7000
Download this repo:
For 32 bit address base:
x32\x32_pdbdump_bochs.exe -b ntkrnlpa.pdb:0x804D7000 > sym.txt
Check results:
type sym.txt
Use the generated file in Bochs debugger with ldsym global + file path, example:
ldsym global "C:\\Users\\Dreg\\bochs\\sym.txt"
Bochs GUI Debugger:
Bochs Console Debugger:
64 bit address
WARNING: For a 64 bit address you must use x64\x64_pdbdump_bochs.exe
x64\x64_pdbdump_bochs.exe -b ntkrnlpa.pdb:0x1122334455667788 > sym_64.txt
Prefix output
x32\x32_pdbdump_bochs.exe" -b c:\winsymbols\dll\kernel32.pdb:0x7c800000 PFX:kernel32!
0x7c801160 kernel32!_imp__NtFindAtom
0x7c825e00 kernel32!c_PmapEntries_apphelp
0x7c863ca4 kernel32!GetThreadTimes
0x7c855154 kernel32!c_PmapEntries_cryptui
0x7c87b813 kernel32!InsertPreComposedForm
0x7c85f578 kernel32!GlobalCompact
0x7c8010e4 kernel32!_imp___allmul
0x7c81736e kernel32!OpenSection
0x7c801164 kernel32!_imp__RtlLookupAtomInAtomTable
0x7c885380 kernel32!gAnsiCodePage
0x7c81cc7b kernel32!GetEnvironmentStrings
0x7c873d1f kernel32!ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW
How to get the base address of a kernel module
- Install WinDBG in guest machine
- Install Windows Symbols in guest machine
- Open Windbg and Go to File -> Kernel Debug -> Local
- Load the symbols: Go to File -> Symbol File Path (and select .reload)
- Type in Windbg Console (k is for kernel modules): lm k
Done, execute pdbdump_bochs.exe using the lm k output (pdb file + module base address)
More info:
Linux - Debian based
apt-get install wine
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dbghelp=n;" wine ./x32/x32_pdbdump_bochs.exe -b ntkrnlpa.pdb:0x804D7000
For 64 bit address:
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dbghelp=n;" wine ./x64/x64_pdbdump_bochs.exe -b ntkrnlpa.pdb:0x1122334455667788
HELP - Usage
Usage: pdbdump.exe [-csv] [-sasnf] [-r] pdb_or_exe[:BASE] [PFX:prefix]
-t: Enumerate types.
-csv: Output comma-separated-values format.
-s[asnf]: Sort by (a)ddress, (s)ize, (n)ame, or (f)ile. ASNF to reverse.
-r: Resolve names and addresses read from stdin.
-w[...]: Wildcard to use when enumerating symbols.
-b: Bochs sym output.
[PFX:]: Prefix each symbol name with own prefix (only valid with -b)
By default modules (.pdb or .exe files) are loaded with a base address of
0x400000. This can be overriden by adding a :BASE suffix to the module's
file name. For example; my_project.pdb:0x20030000.
Examples: 1. Output all symbols from a.pdb and b.dll;
> pdbdump_bochs.exe a.pdb b.dll
2. Output all of a.pdb's function symbols in CSV format;
> pdbdump_bochs.exe -csv a.pdb | findstr SymTagFunction
3. List all symbols starting with 'is_enab';
> pdbdump_bochs.exe -wis_enab* a.pdb
4. Resolve two symbols by name and by address;
> echo 0x401000 is_enabled | pdbdump_bochs.exe -r a.pdb
5. Dump symbols in Bochs Sym format with own base address:
> pdbdump_bochs.exe -b ntkrnlpa.pdb:0x804D7000
6. Dump symbols in Bochs Sym format with own base address + nt! prefix:
> pdbdump_bochs.exe -b ntkrnlpa.pdb:0x804D7000 PFX:nt!
dbghelp & more from:
- dbg_amd64_6.12.2.633.msi
- dbg_x86_6.12.2.633.msi
Helper script for Windows kernel debugging with IDA Pro on native Bochs debugger (including PDB symbols):
- https://github.com/therealdreg/ida_bochs_windows
Helper scripts for windows debugging with symbols for Bochs and IDA Pro (PDB files). Very handy for user mode <--> kernel mode:
- https://github.com/therealdreg/symseghelper
This project is just a mod from pdbdump by Martin Ridgers, pdbdump 'at' fireproofgravy.co.uk:
- https://gist.github.com/mridgers/2968595
Tools for Linux kernel debugging on Bochs (including symbols, native Bochs debugger and IDA PRO):
- https://github.com/therealdreg/bochs_linux_kernel_debugging