Price-Tracker-Application copied to clipboard
Installation failed
When I install the price tracker application this fails. I have python 3.7.7
$ python -V
Python 3.7.7
$ git clone
$ cd Price-Tracker-Application/
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
All OK so far but
$ celery -A pricetracker worker -l info
give a lot of errors and ends with
django.db.utils.OperationalError: no such table: tracker_item
I think a database/table is not created
after running
$ python3 makemigrations tracker
$ python3 migrate
I can run
$ celery -A pricetracker worker -l info
$ python3 runserver
Give a nice webpage at port 8000
Did I do this correct? Does the documentation need an update when installing/running for the first time?
try to install libraries manually