let-over-lambda copied to clipboard
Compilation failure on ccl
As discussed here i get compilation failures when upon (ql:load "cl-bson), which requires let-over-lambda. The failure occurs here:
(defun pandoriclet-get (letargs)
`(case sym
,@(mapcar #`((,(car a1)) ,(car a1))
(t (error
"Unknown pandoric get: ~a"
The # isn't #', and then there are commas are inside of a backquote. Which suggests something failed to setup a reader macro for #
The Hash-Backtick is a reader macro, defined on Line 273 of let-over-lambda.lisp
. The named-readtable
package is used to define a customized readtable that includes the reader macros. To use the pandoric macros, you do need to use (in-readtable lol:lol-syntax)
—but it sounds like you're getting tripped up on (ql:quickload :cl-bson)
, before you even try to write any code that might include the LOL reader-macro syntax.
Some fact-checking:
You identified the following versions of CCL affected in Gitter:
- 1.10-dev-r16165-trunk (Darwinx8664)
- 1.10-r16196 (Linuxx8664)
I cannot reproduce issue with versions of CCL:
- 1.10-store-r16266 (DarwinX8664)
- 1.10-r16196 (LinuxX8664)
The only place CL-BSON uses LOL is in the cl-bson.readtable
package, and imports only defmacro!
; it does use the LOL syntax readtable, however.
LOL and CL-BSON also both build successfully for CCL v1.10-r16196 (Linux x86-64) on Travis-CI.
Some questions:
- Do you have any versions of LET-OVER-LAMBDA, CL-BSON, or any other dependencies in your
directory? - Are you always quickloading CL-BSON into a fresh Lisp image?
- Do you have any customizations to your CCL rc file, besides loading Quicklisp?
We can ignore cl-bson for now, since I've got the affliction if I ql:quickload let-over-lambda in a virgin ccl.
My .ccl-init is the usual
(let ((quicklisp-init (merge-pathnames "quicklisp/setup.lisp" (user-homedir-pathname))))
(when (probe-file quicklisp-init)
(load quicklisp-init)))
Here's a transcript of an attempt to reproduce the issue in a very lean context:
bash-3.2$ cd /tmp
bash-3.2$ git clone https://github.com/thephoeron/let-over-lambda.git
Cloning into 'let-over-lambda'...
remote: Counting objects: 283, done.
remote: Total 283 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 283
Receiving objects: 100% (283/283), 52.09 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (158/158), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
bash-3.2$ cd let-over-lambda
bash-3.2$ ccl --no-init
Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.10-dev-r16165-trunk (DarwinX8664)!
CCL is developed and maintained by Clozure Associates. For more information
about CCL visit http://ccl.clozure.com. To enquire about Clozure's Common Lisp
consulting services e-mail [email protected] or visit http://www.clozure.com.
? (require 'asdf)
(require 'asdf)
("uiop" "UIOP" "asdf" "ASDF")
? (asdf:load-system "cl-ppcre")
(asdf:load-system "cl-ppcre")
? (asdf:load-system "named-readtables")
(asdf:load-system "named-readtables")
? (load (compile-file "package"))
(load (compile-file "package"))
? (load (compile-file "let-over-lambda"))
(load (compile-file "let-over-lambda"))
;Compiler warnings for "let-over-lambda.lisp" :
; In NLET-TAIL: Unused lexical variable I
; Compiler warning: Overwriting already existing readtable #<NAMED-READTABLE LOL-SYNTAX #x30200099682D>.
; While executing: EDITOR-HINTS.NAMED-READTABLES::SIMPLE-STYLE-WARN, in process listener(1).
Which is different :(. But the compiler warning about overwriting the named readtable might be a hint.
The named readtables came out of /Users/bhyde/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/named-readtables-20101006-darcs/named-readtables.asd