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Regrowth Version 1.0.2: Academy Craft issues.
I have a previously existing world from 1.0.1 that's quite far along, i had maxed out my level as a Teleporter from the academy craft mod and all was well. When the update came out, I loaded my world back up and everything else ran just fine, but for some reason now whenever i try to use the Marked teleport ability the ghost image follows my cursor like im still aiming the ability until i open and close the pause menu. It is the ONLY ability to do this, Penetrate teleport even uses the same ghost image but it disappears as intended. I've tried re-binding the activation key, unbinding and rebinding everything, toggling the Academy craft HUD on and off, even relaunching the game. I'm currently running the mod-pack on the curse launcher (not sure if that helps at all)
So the ability still works, but the target indicator doesn't disappear?
that would be correct
Can confirm this happens, particularly when cast while holding an item (ESPECIALLY WHEN HOLDING A TINKERS TOOL OR WEAPON). Can anyone else confirm that?