**Fish Islands** _Version:_ 0.17.47 _Codebase Issues:_ Missing description + info.
**Fractal Balls** _Version:_ 0.17.49 _Codebase Issues:_ Missing description + info.
**~~Factory~~ Loading Screen** _Version:_ 0.17.49 _Codebase Issues:_ Missing description + info. Missing map preview. > Renamed from factory to loading screen.
**Fruit Loops and Gears** _Version:_ 0.17.49 Codebase Issues: Missing description + info.
**Goat** _Version:_ 0.17.52 _Codebase Issues:_ Missing description + info. _Map Generation Issues:_ Map is a confined and finite space, this combined with the goat image taking up a large portion...
**Goats on Goats** _Version:_ N/A _Codebase Issues:_ Missing description and info. _Map Generation Issues:_ Should consider merge with goats (above) since this map appears to generate correctly, and goat has...
**GoT** aka Game of Thrones _Version_: April 2019, exact version unknown _Codebase Issues:_ Missing description and info. _Map Generation Issues:_ The terrain generation itself is good, but has not been...
Aside from locomotives this feels a bit cheaty IMO - maybe as a one time perk you can buy from market?
having seen a streamer play with an auto-fill mod on turrets in crash site, I would say it DEFINITELY has an effect on balance.
#952 added autofill for turret ammo, with a delay. Do we want to add autofill for fuel as well?