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When jumping to the next placeholder, the `c` command in the keybinding will by default fill the unamed register `"` with ``. This causes loss of the original text in...


Readme.md --> 1.2 Remapped Cursor Movement --> keys for `Cursor down 5 terminal lines` should be `5e` but not `5j`

我现在运行 nvim 打开项目,没报错了,但是觉得样式什么的都和截图展示的样式不一样。 ![iShot2022-03-31 10.01.30.png](https://s2.loli.net/2022/03/31/15NWGLKQPU43brT.png)

https://github.com/theniceboy/nvim/blob/cce8278103cadc5e1251cc7df6fd4ca555324be8/init.vim#L1108 new function is: ```call OmniSharp#actions#codeactions#Count(opts)```

Hi, David 请教个问题: 我正在参考你的配置使用fzf-lua,现在可以使用快捷键正常唤起文件搜索的界面了。不过我有时候在唤起搜索界面之后希望能够修改cwd路径。我设想是能够使用快捷键唤起一个对话窗口用于输入一个路径从而修改cwd。 我查了圈文档没有头绪,可以给个方向不?


``` lua [""] = cmp.mapping( function() cmp_ultisnips_mappings.compose { "expand", "jump_forwards" } (function() end) end, { "i", "s", --[[ "c" (to enable the mapping in command mode) ]] } ), ```...
