twitterstream-downloader icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
twitterstream-downloader copied to clipboard

Twitter stream and social network crawling tools


Twitterstream-downloader (in the following twsd) is a Python script that allows to download streams of tweets using the Twitter Streaming API.

Dumping all the tweets related to Arcade Fire and Radiohead is as simple as:

twsd filter music_news -p track='Arcade Fire,Radiohead'

This will download the Streaming messages to daily files music_news_20130801.json, music_news_20130802.json, ...


pip install git+git://


  • ENDPOINT can be either sample or filter or firehose (read more on Twitter Streaming API docs (Public Streams). The fictious authorize endpoint is used to authorize a new client.
  • FILE_PREFIX is the path+prefix of the files related the stream.


  • Download streams from Twitter Streaming API
  • Rotate files every day
  • Automated OAuth authentication and key management.
  • Log error messages


Download some data from the Twitter Sample endpoint to files ~/tweets/sample_YYYYMMDD.json. (This will also create a logfile ~/tweets/sampledump.log containing events related to the stream (crawling start, stop, limit messages).

twsd sample ~/tweets/sampledump

Download all the geolocated tweets in UK and Ireland to files ~/project_ukir/tweets_YYYYMMDD.json (and create a log file, as specified above).

twsd filter ~/project_ukir/tweets -p locations="-180,-90,180,90"


Twsd will attempt to locate a configuration file ~/.twsd with authentication credentials. When this fails, it will ask OAuth credentials.