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A template for a Node.js project using Typescript, ESLint, Prettier. It's Docker-ready. Everything is configured with the appropriate scripts and README. An MIT license is set.

This project was created using themetalfleece/nodejs-typescript-template

This template gets updated daily so the latest dependencies are always used!

What to do after using this template

  1. Edit package.json to set the project name, version, description, and author.
  2. Edit the LICENSE file to use your name in the Copyright section.
  3. Edit the .prettierrc.json file with your preferred values.
  4. Remove the .github/workflows/upgrade-dependencies.yml files, since it contains the workflow to upgrade all dependencies on a daily basis.
    • In case you would like to keep it, remove lines 7, 30, 32 from it. Also, change the git user name in line 28.
  5. Delete this section from the file.
  6. Start coding by editing the src/app.ts file!


  1. Install node.js, yarn (or use npm).
  2. Clone this repository, and using a terminal navigate to its directory.
  3. Run yarn or npm install to install the dependencies.

Build & Run

  1. Copy the contents of the .env.example file to a .env next to it, and edit it with your values.
  2. Run yarn build or npm build to build the files.
  3. Run yarn start or npm start to start the application.
  • You can run yarn dev or npm dev to combine the 2 steps above, while listening to changes and restarting automatically.

Run with Docker

  1. Build:

    docker build -t my-app .

    Replacing my-app with the image name.

  2. Run

    docker run -d -p 3000:3000 my-app

    Replacing my-app with the image name, and 3000:3000 with the host:container ports to publish.


Visual Studio Code

  • Installing the Eslint (dbaeumer.vscode-eslint) and Prettier - Code formatter (esbenp.prettier-vscode) extensions is recommended.

Linting & Formatting

  • Run yarn lint or npm lint to lint the code.
  • Run yarn format or npm format to format the code.


Check the placeholder test examples to get started :

  • /src/app.ts that provide a function sum
  • /test/app.spec.ts who test the sum function

This files are just an example, feel free to remove it

  • Run yarn test or npm test to execute all tests.
  • Run yarn test:watch or npm test:watch to run tests in watch (loop) mode.
  • Run yarn test:coverage or npm test:coverage to see the tests coverage report.