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Object-Graph-Mapping neo4j framework, Fully-typed with TypeScript, for easy and flexible node and relationship operations

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Object-Graph-Mapping neo4j framework, fully-typed with TypeScript, for easy and flexible node and relationship operations

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  • Overview
  • Documentation
  • Unit testing
  • Linting and Formatting
  • Examples
  • Acknowledgements


Neogma uses Model definitions to simplify and automate lots of operations. Alternatively, a flexible and fully-fletched query builder and a query runner is also provided for running operations directly with Javascript objects, without a Model definition.

By using Typescript, a user can also benefit from Neogma's type safety in all its parts. The types are built-in and used in neogma's core, so no external typings are needed.


Unit testing

Neogma uses jest for unit testing.

  • To build the tests, run yarn build-tests
  • To run the tests:
    • Configure a .env file with the neo4j connection strings (follow .env.example)
    • Run yarn test

Linting and Formatting

Neogma uses eslint for linting and prettier for formatting.

  • For linting, run yarn lint
  • For formatting, run yarn format


You can try the following to see it in action!

First install neogma: npm i neogma

Then, run this:

const { Neogma, ModelFactory } = require('neogma');

// create a neogma instance and database connection
const neogma = new Neogma(
        // use your connection details
        url: 'bolt://localhost',
        username: 'neo4j',
        password: 'password',
        logger: console.log,

// create a Users model
const Users = ModelFactory(
        label: 'User',
        schema: {
            name: {
                type: 'string',
                minLength: 3,
                required: true,
            age: {
                type: 'number',
                minimum: 0,
            id: {
                type: 'string',
                required: true,
        primaryKeyField: 'id',
        relationshipCreationKeys: {},

const createAndUpdateUser = async () => {
    // creates a new Users node
    const user = await Users.createOne({
        id: '1',
        name: 'John',
        age: 38,

    console.log(; // 'John' = 'Alex';
    // updates the node's name in the database
    console.log(; // 'Alex'

    await neogma.getDriver().close();


The Cypher which runs in createAndUpdateUser is the following:

Statement: UNWIND {bulkCreateOptions} as bulkCreateData CREATE (bulkCreateNodes:`User`) SET bulkCreateNodes += bulkCreateData
Parameters: { bulkCreateOptions: [ { name: 'John', age: 38, id: '1' } ] }

Statement: MATCH (node:`User`) WHERE = $id SET = $name
Parameters: { id: '1', name: 'Jack' }

Another feature is to associate the created nodes with other nodes, which will either be created now or by matched by a where clause. This supports infinite nesting for maximum flexibility.

await Users.createMany([
        id: '1',
        name: 'John',
        age: 38,
        // assuming we're created an Orders Model and alias
        Orders: {
            attributes: [
                    // creates a new Order node with the following properties, and associates it with John
                    id: '1',
                    status: 'confirmed',
            where: {
                params: {
                    // matches an Order node with the following id and associates it with John
                    id: '2',

// find the Order node which is created in the above operation
const order = await Orders.findOne({
    where: {
        id: '1',

console.log(order.status); // confirmed

The cypher which runs in Users.createMany is the following:

Statement: CREATE (node:`User`) SET node += $data CREATE (node__aaaa:`Order`) SET node__aaaa += $data__aaaa CREATE (node)-[:CREATES]->(node__aaaa) WITH DISTINCT node MATCH (targetNode:`Order`) WHERE = $id CREATE (node)-[r:CREATES]->(targetNode)

Parameters: {
  data: { name: 'John', age: 38, id: '1' },
  data__aaaa: { id: '1', status: 'confirmed' },
  id: '2'

John Creates Order graph

All of the above run in a single statement for max performance.

All the user-specified values are automatically used in the query with bind parameters. Neogma also offers helpers to easily create your own queries with generated where clauses and bind parameters.
