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:sunglasses: Theme NexT, AWESOME NexT!
Awesome NexT
Live Preview
- :heart_decoration: Muse scheme: LEAFERx | Alex LEE | OAwan
- :six_pointed_star: Mist scheme: Jeff | uchuhimo | xirong
- :pisces: Pisces scheme: Vi | Jiaxi He
- :gemini: Gemini scheme: Ivan.Nginx | Raincal | Dandy | Mimi | Banban | KaitoHH
More «NexT» examples here.
Hexo Plugins
- :mag_right: hexo-generator-searchdb: Seach data generator plugin for Hexo.
- :tada: hexo-filter-emoji: GitHub emojis for Hexo!
- :crystal_ball: hexo-filter-optimize: A Hexo plugin that optimize the pages loading speed.
- :mahjong: hexo-pangu: Server side pangu.js filter for Hexo. Add spaces between CJK characters and western characters.
- :100: hexo-filter-mathjax: Server side MathJax renderer plugin for Hexo.
- :triangular_flag_on_post: hexo-generator-indexed: Index generator plugin with more user-defined options.
NexT Plugins
See inject docs for using
See this article for creating npm package.
- :calendar: theme-next-calendar: 一个简洁的hexo-next日历云插件。
- :cake: hexo-cake-moon-menu: A new style for back2top button and scrollpercent.
Fancy stuff
- :boom: hexo-next-tag: Tag plugins for NexT.
- :bookmark: hexo-next-title: Change to a different title when window is no longer in focus.
- :anchor: hexo-theme-next-anchor: A NexT plugin that adds an anchor to every heading.
- :camera: hexo-next-exif: Exif.js for NexT.
Tools for posts
- :couple: hexo-next-coauthor: Add coauthor post meta.
- :gift: hexo-next-share: Content sharing services for NexT.
- :memo: hexo-disqus-php-api: Yet another great Disqus proxy.
- :speech_balloon: hexo-next-utteranc: comment system for NexT.
- :black_nib: hexo-next-minivaline: MiniValine is a simple and minimalist comment system based on Leancloud.
- :pencil2: HexoEditor: Markdown Editor for Hexo blog.