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Caching and invalidation mechanisms (plugins, directives) of Apollo GraphQL


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Caching and invalidation mechanisms (plugins, directives) of Apollo GraphQL, used by matters-server.

responseCachePlugin is forked from apollo-server-plugin-response-cache.

How it works?

Cache Mechanisms

On each query request,

  1. responseCachePlugin creates an empty key set, and injects it to the context.
  2. @logCache collects nodes on its field, then add to the key set.
  3. responseCachePlugin writes query response cache (fqc) and node-fqc key mapping to in-memory data store.

Once a mutation updates this node, @purgeCache will purge related fqc.


Note: there are breaking changes in API from 1.4.0 to 2.0.0, see below Breaking changes section for more info

Install package:

npm i @matters/apollo-response-cache

Add plugin and directives to the constructor:

import {
} from '@matters/apollo-response-cache'

const {typeDef: logCacheDirectiveTypeDef, transformer: logCacheDirectiveTransformer} = logCacheDirective()
const {typeDef: purgeCacheDirectiveTypeDef, transformer: purgeCacheDirectiveTransformer} = purgeCacheDirective()

let schema = makeExecutableSchema({
  typeDefs: [yourTypeDef, logCacheDirectiveTypeDef, purgeCacheDirectiveTypeDef]

schema = logCacheDirectiveTransformer(

const server = new ApolloServer({
  plugins: [responseCachePlugin()],

Use in the schema:

type Query {
  article(id: ID!): Article! @logCache(type: "Article")

type Mutation {
  archiveArticle(id: ID!): Article! @purgeCache(type: "Article")

You can also purge cache in the resolver:

const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
  schemaDirectives: {
    purgeCache: PurgeCacheDirective({ extraNodesPath: '__invalid_nodes__' }),

const resolvers = {
  Mutation: {
    archiveArticle: (parent, args, context) => {
      // ...
      article.__invalid_nodes__ = [
          id: '2',
          type: 'Article',
          id: '3',
          type: 'Comment',

      return article

Customize node type & id resolvers

You might want a custom function to resolve node's type and id since it may be a union or interface type.

const typeResolver = (type: string, result: any) => {
  if (['Node', 'Response'].indexOf(type) >= 0) {
    return result.__type
  return type
const idResolver = (type: string, result: any) => {
  if (['Node', 'Response'].indexOf(type) >= 0) {
    return result.__unusual_id__
  return result.id

const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
  schemaDirectives: {
    purgeCache: PurgeCacheDirective({ typeResolver, idResolver }),

Breaking changes in 2.0.0

  1. Support apollo-server v4 now, but drop support for apollo-server v3 and graphql-tools v8 and below
  2. All APIs, including plugin option, directives, helpers interface, changed: a. pulgin constructor take redis client (type Redis from ioredis) instead of RedisCache from deprecated apollo-server-cache-redis b. invalidateFQC take redis instead of RedisCache c. directives api is totally changed to function way, as graphql-tools/utils v8 depreacated class base SchemaDirectiveVisitor

Known issues

If hit Types have separate declarations of a private property '__identity' when build apollo server codebase, make sure both direct dependency on @apollo/server and this package dependency on @apollo/server share totally same version.


  • [x] responseCachePlugin
  • [x] @logCache
  • [x] @purgeCache
  • [ ] Unit Test