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Easy CocoaPods checklist and tutorial


Easy CocoaPods checklist and tutorial

This method is not recommended for maintaining large repos. This method is adviced for small repo's like SwiftRandom, EZAlertController.

Pods Creation


  1. New Repo
  2. "Initialize this repository with a README"
  3. License "MIT"
  4. cd /your/path & mkdir MyRepo & cd MyRepo
  5. git init & git remote add origin https://github.com/<username>/MyRepo.git & git pull
  6. touch myrepo.podspec & example podspec
  7. pod lib lint MyRepo.podspec. For errors pod lib lint MyRepo.podspec --verbose
  8. git add . & git commit -m "Added pods" & git push
  9. Create new release
  10. pod trunk push MyRepo.podspec

Steps In Detail

Check here

Pods Update CheckList

  1. Update your project with git pull origin master
  2. Update s.version inside MyRepo.podspec
  3. Check local errors with pod lib lint MyRepo.podspec
  4. git add . & git commit -m "Update pods version"
  5. git push origin master
  6. Make a new release
  7. pod trunk push MyRepo.podspec