brackets-code-folding copied to clipboard
"working files" and active project states not preserved correctly with this extension enabled
This extension is causing issues for me with (1) preserving the state of the "Working Files" area of Brackets between project switches and with (2) preserving the open project during applications restarts.
Recreate issue 1:
- Change the state of the "Working Files" area by opening or closing some files.
- Switch to a different project.
- Switch back to the project where you modified the "Working Files" area's state.
- Observe that the changes are not preserved (files that were closed have reverted to being open, files that were opened do not remain so).
Recreate issue 2:
- Start Brackets.
- Switch to a different project.
- Close Brackets.
- Re-open Brackets and observe that the project you switched to in the last session is no longer open, but rather the project that was open when you started Brackets the first time is what appears.
I've followed the instructions provided on the Brackets wiki to disable all extensions except for this one - seemingly a confirmation that it's not an issue of conflicting extensions.
I'm using version 0.2.23 of the extension, along with Brackets ... Release 1.0 build 1.0.0-15191 (release 3f2eb90a4) build timestamp: Fri Oct 31 2014 12:47:39 GMT-0700
With this being such a popular extension, I'm surprised to find no other reports of these issues. It makes me think it's particular to my usage, but I'm not sure what else to try after disabling all other plugins.
What operating system are you running? Are you absolutely certain that there is one instance of brackets running while you encounter these issues? I've just tried to recreate the issues on my mac without any success. I have the same version of Brackets and the extension.
Also for completeness, what settings do you have enabled for Code Folding (i.e., View > Code Folding Settings)?
>> What operating system are you running?
Windows 7
>> Are you absolutely certain that there is one instance of brackets running while you encounter these issues?
Yes, unless Brackets is hiding an instance from Windows Task Manager.
>> what settings do you have enabled for Code Folding
Until you asked, I didn't even know there was a settings dialog for this extension. I just started playing with that after posting my last comment.
Interestingly, I just tried un-checking "Save fold states" and hitting "Save". Brackets gives me the usual prompt to reload. I accept. Returning to the settings dialog, I see the box is still checked, as though my action had no effect.
Ok, I've gone through a few cycles of the following, and I think I can report some consistent behaviors:
- It takes 2 unchecks + reloads for the unchecked state of "Save fold states" to stick.
- Once the unchecked state sticks, the problems subside.
- It only takes one check + reload for the checked state of "Save fold states" to stick.
- Once the checked state sticks, the problems resume.
Thanks for that - it is very helpful.
By the way I am still unable to reproduce these issues - including the cycles needed for the settings to 'stick'. I however do agree that Brackets does not need to be reloaded every time a setting is saved. If you get some time could you update to the latest master version and see if the issues can still be reproduced?