jquery.ganttView copied to clipboard
How to view big charts properly?
I have a chart with a size of 800 columns x 500 rows and i cannot figure out how to make it usable.
Problem is that there is not a vertical scroll bar and as there is a over 500 rows then it's really difficult to find correct position from chart.
- Is it someway possible to tell ganttView that graph size is example 1024x768 pixels? I could only find a horizontal size setting.
- is there possibly to remove horizontal scroll bar totally and use only browsers scroll bards? with this i lose series name information from screen when i scroll but i can live with it if needed.
Any hint or guidance is a lot appreciated as i'm not familiar with a html, css or even javascript
Btw. I'm using "Matthew Lutze Merge branch '0.8.9-dev-patch1" branch.
nobody have solutions for this problem? I have the same problem. Thank's all
me too